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        -  - + hugi #12 votesheet -- l$$$6, _,,d$$$Pý,_  //-ÄÄÄÄÙ
                                     `ÓS$$$iS$$$$ý'    \/

                         " obscene scene magascene "

        _ don't vote for yourself, your group or your productions
        _ fill in as much as you can

        your handle/group or name .................................
        way to contact you ........................................

        fave pc demos
        1 ....................................... by ..............
        2 ....................................... by ..............
        3 ....................................... by ..............

        fave pc intros
        1 ....................................... by ..............
        2 ....................................... by ..............
        3 ....................................... by ..............

        fave pc diskmags
        1 ....................................... by ..............
        2 ....................................... by ..............
        3 ....................................... by ..............

        fave pc groups
        1 .........................................................
        2 .........................................................
        3 .........................................................


        place for your news
        [insert as much space as you need]

        group: ....................................................
        news:  ....................................................


        place for your adverts (max resolution 80x20)
        [insert as much space as you need]


        place for your messages
        [insert as much space as you need]

        to:   .....................................................
        from: .....................................................
        body: .....................................................


        send your filled votesheet to hugi@netway.at [adok/hugi]
        or dcc it to adok^hugi (IRCNet)

        the latest hugi issue is available at


        thank you for voting.