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If you have not read it yet: This issue featured 1.8 mbyte of articles, a new interface for DOS and for Win32 by Street Raider of DDT Entertainment, of course new gfx, this time by Will Be, Hellfire, and Mr. SEQ, and new music by Makke of Comic Pirates. Check out http://home.pages.de/~hugidownload/ for the exact table of contents and a download possibility (bugfixed version!). I have got a lot of feedback to Hugi #12, and well, as you can imagine, it was positive enough to keep me motivated to do another issue. :) No, seriously, I am open for criticism, too, and suggestions about what to change in Hugi. Without this kind of feedback, there would be no progress, as the Hugi staff would not know what has to be changed. Well, well, well, we got a diverse response to Hugi #12, especially from Germany, as the German section in the mag was quite controversial this time. Not everbody liked the attempt to create this section more familiar. But, as kb/Purge/TOM/SDs said on news.scene.org: "After all, this mag gets the scene going." And a lot of people were entertained indeed. To those people who misunderstood the German section and felt offended, I want to send my apologies again. Take it easy! Yep... What is the Hugi Crew doing right now? Working on Hugi #13, of course. We feel responsible for the destiny of the diskmag scene. Yes. And that is why we want to create the best of our mag. --=[ NEW DISTSITE ]=--------------------------------------------------- The Austrian BBS "AMB" has become HUGI distsite. +43-316-696763, v.34/isdn, 24h online, fido 2:316/150. SysOp is Dr. Delta. --=[ ACTION IN THE HUGI CREW ]=---------------------------------------- Zippy /The Utopians^Utopia has joined the Hugi Crew as a writer, spreader and coder. He comes from Norway and is also the president of the "keep-the-scene-alive"-organisation The Utopians. His e-mail address is demoscener@hotmail.com Homepage of The Utopians: http://bigfoot.stones.com/~zippy/ Currently he is working on several articles for Hugi #13. Current member status: /-name----------/-function in group-/-email address------------/ Adok . orga/edit/text . hugi@netway.at Mr. SEQ . gfx/music . daniel.tuecks@t-online.de Mr. M!ke . text (german) . mrmike@forfree.at Zippy . text/code . demoscener@hotmail.com /--------------------------------------------------------------/ We are still looking for more members. Don't hesitate to contact Adok if you want to join! And don't be shy! --=[ HUGI LOGO COMPETITION ]=------------------------------------------ The IRC channel #pixel is organizing a Hugi Logo Competition. Your task is to draw either a title or a closing picture for Hugi. The winner and perhaps also the second place will be used in Hugi #14. Deadline is the 1st of November. If you hurry up, you can still participate! :) More infos: http://www.pixel.scene.org --=[ HUGI COMPO #4 IS OVER ]=------------------------------------------ Again, a size coding compo has ended. This time it was the expression evaluator compo. For the first time in the (short) history of the Hugi Size Coding Compo Series, two people got the first place: INT-E and st0ne. Get the results and the source-pack at: http://home.pages.de/~hugi-compo/ --=[ LINUX INTERFACE ]=------------------------------------------------ Tronical/Colorfast is working on a Unix/Linux interface running under the K Desktop Environment (http://www.kde.org/). KHugi (that's what it will be called) will feature: . complete HTML-Export of a whole Hugi issue . inline image support . reads Hugi issue #12 and #13 (plus upcoming issues) . URL support, click on any URL and your favourite Mailer/Browser will show up . highly configurable KHugi will be released after the official KDE 1.1 release (since it depends on KDE 1.1 features like configurable key/mouse-bindings). As soon as it's out, you will be able to download it from the Hugi Homepage at http://home.pages.de/~hugidownload/ as well as from the KHugi Homepage at http://ihpled.ml.org/~tronical/khugi/ (or for a direct download at ftp://ihpled.ml.org/users/tronical/khugi/). --=[ HUGI #13 IN PROGRESS ]=------------------------------------------- Now let's come to the most interesting part in this newsletter! Hugi #13... hm, hm, hmmmm. Quick summarization: . GFX is finished. Artist: Cereal / Ooze Labs . Music is finished. Composers: MasterBoy and CoaX Cable / WIJ. . We might also use a second tune this time. Probably it will come from Steffo / Cryonics. . 550 kbyte of articles so far. . ESTIMATED RELEASEDATE: November or December. The exact releasedate has not been fixed yet. It depends on the NUMBER OF ARTICLES we will get within a SHORT TIME (and of course the quality of articles, too). So if you want Hugi to be released soon - you know what to do! We ALREADY HAVE about 20 forum articles deadling with topics like the status of the scene, Hornet's closing, or Internet vs. Scene, a few interviews, some party reports, many results, and reviews (party stuff, diskmags). We are still LOOKING FOR articles. The articles we are looking most for are: . Coding articles (all topics - graphic programming, effects, system programming, programming techniques, algorithms, e.g. compression, hints, optimization, tech details,...) . More interviews . More "forum" articles . Poetry and Literature in general . Articles for the planned Music Corner (techniques, composing hints, reviews, texts about the music scene,...) Write and become famous! :) Greetings go to Psychic Symphony, editor of demojournal, who has sent me [adok] 150 KByte of articles as a birthday present. Unfortunately, he had already sent them to another diskmag, which needs articles more urgently. THANKS anyway!! May this be a good example for you other dudes. :) (BTW: If you want to get more information about demojournal, a new weekly newsletter about the demoscene, contact Psychic at ec97104@crazy.fe.up.pt.) --=[ CLOSING WORDS ]=-------------------------------------------------- This is the third volume of the Hugi newsletter. I hope it motivated you to get active for Hugi (again). :) Quick summarization: Estimated RELEASEDATE of HUGI #13: November or December 1998 The exact release date depends on how many articles we get within a short time, so if you want Hugi to come out soon, you know what to do! - adok^hugi, Oct. 29th, 1998 hugi@netway.at Thanks to gyr/food for proofreading. Download HUGI at http://home.pages.de/~hugidownload/ Subscribe to the HUGI mailinglist by sending a mail to hugi-subscribe@egroups.com BTW: Final Hornet Charts - http://www.hornet.org/ha/pages/hc/ - Guess what mag is at the 2nd place of the Top 20 Demoscene Publications... :)