Then get ready for this - it's survey-time!!!
Print the UMFRAGE.TXT, fill in the gaps and then send this
letter to us, to your diskmag-writers: Fury, Ullix and #Papst.
We are w8ing. Give YOUR comment on YOUR magazine.
Believe me, it's cool, man! Yeah. That it is!
No special news at this time ... Read DemoNews! Um das Programm, welches
als TXT-File in den DemoNews enthalten ist, kann man mit dem Programm
UUDECODE.EXE in Verzeichnis uuencode benutzen. It's Unix Time!!! Einfach
den Teil ausschneiden und durch das Programm ziehen.
Enjoy ... Fury
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October 2, 1994 - ISSUE #64 - October 8, 1994
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Section 1..............Standard Information
Section 2...........................General
Section 3.............................Files
Section 4.............................Music
Section 5..............................Code
Section 6...........................Demo CD
Section 7....................Advertisements
Section 8..................Top 25 Downloads
Section 9..............................Misc
Section 10...........................Closing
((Section 1...Standard Info))
DemoNews is a weekly publication dedicated to the demo scene. It is
produced at the Internet FTP site ftp.eng.ufl.edu (aka WASP or HORNET).
This newsletter focuses on all aspects of demos and demo-making (including
music, art, and coding).
There are currently three active demo-operators at this site:
Dan Wright (Pallbearer) - GENERAL - dmw@eng.ufl.edu
Christopher G. Mann (Snowman) - MUSIC - r3cgm@dax.cc.uakron.edu
Mike - GENERAL - weis@elf.stuba.sk
Jason (Cavalier) - ANSI - cavalier@shadow.net
This site is mirrored by the following ftps:
SUBSCRIPTIONS TO THIS "NEWSLETTER" can be obtained by mailing:]
and putting "subscribe demuan-list your_real_name" in your message.
((Section 2...General))
We are still low on space...in case you were wondering this effects
only ftp.eng.ufl.edu where uploads are found. In fact, in my root
account I have only 100k of space...and that is the same drive about
60 other people use :). It is kind of weird we have these problems
as UF has TONS of money...and with the football team doing REAL well
they are bringing in $$$ every week. Who knows where all the money
goes...I don't and never did. The University is like big government--
it takes forever to get what you need. Why try to understand. I
just hope they don't want to kill us (390megs) to free up some space
when hundred dollar bills are growing on trees outside.
To read DemoNews/HTML you will need Lynx/Mosaic/XMosaic/whatever...
The URL is ftp://ftp.eng.ufl.edu/demos/demonews/html
((Section 3...Files))
Filename.ext Location Description
| --DEMOS-- | (all locations start with /pub/msdos/demos...)
cfest94.zip /alpha/NEW Immortal Syndicate's Comp. Fest intro. GUS/SB
happenin.zip /alpha/NEW Happening Party Invtro. October in Norway.
mc2final.zip /alpha/NEW Music Contest 2 Final results and intro.
vc_ktech.zip /alpha/NEW Violent Crimes BBS intro.
wired94.arj /alpha/NEW Wired '94 Party intro by Antares. SB/GUS
| --MUSIC-- | (all locations start with /pub/msdos/demos/music...)
aris-klf.zip /klf Comrade Aristide by Maelcum
conver13.zip /programs/convert Convert 1.3
220v .zip /songs/s3m 220V by The Charlatan
dontyou .zip /songs/s3m Don't You Feel Better by Davematt
faktor .zip /songs/s3m Faktor by Impulse
firstime.zip /songs/s3m First Time for Everytime by the Pope
heresy .zip /songs/s3m NIN Heresy by Bedlamite
kanon2-1.zip /songs/s3m Kanon 2-1 by Impulse
likelost.zip /songs/s3m Likelost by Impulse
outof .zip /songs/s3m Outof by Impulse
sadman .zip /songs/s3m Sad Man's Groove by Chuck Biscuits
void .zip /songs/s3m Void by Beaner
New Directory /time Trials in Musical Escape
m4w210sx.zip deleted/corrupt
cnvert11.zip deleted/old version
cnvert12.zip deleted/old version
cthugha5.zip deleted/no description
demovt15.zip deleted/no description
god .zip deleted/old
horizon .zip deleted/old
| --ART/ANSI-- | (all locations start with /pub/msdos/demos/...)
We have an ANSI maintainer--cavalier@shadow.net From here on out he
will take care of this section.
| --CODE-- | (all locations start either /demos/programming or /demos/code)
The /programming directory will be reorganized and slowly moved to the /code
directory by me, Snowman.
/prog Programming files
/prog/graph Files dealing with graphics
/prog/grapg/3d Files dealing with 3D-type things
yanns3d .zip /prog/graph/3d 3D ASM source by Yann/Iguana
/prog/graph/fade Files dealing with fading + cross-fading
crosfade.zip /prog/graph/fade ASM and C source for cross-fading
fade-tp .zip /prog/graph/fade Fade screen in Turbo Pascal
/prog/graph/sprites Files dealing with sprites
/prog/graph/tutor Asphyxia exclusive demo tutorial
tut1-9 .zip /prog/graph/tutor Parts 1-9 of Asphyxia's demo tutorial
tut10 .zip /prog/graph/tutor Part 10 of Asphyxia's demo tutorial
tut11 .zip /prog/graph/tutor Part 11 of Asphyxia's demo tutorial
tut12 .zip /prog/graph/tutor Part 12 of Asphyxia's demo tutorial
tut13 .zip /prog/graph/tutor Part 13 of Asphyxia's demo tutorial
tut14 .zip /prog/graph/tutor Part 14 of Asphyxia's demo tutorial
tut15 .zip /prog/graph/tutor Part 15 of Asphyxia's demo tutorial
tut16 .zip /prog/graph/tutor Part 16 of Asphyxia's demo tutorial
raytrace.zip deleted/no description
| --MISC-- | (all locations start with /pub/msdos/demos/...)
bus-hyp.arj DELETED Corrupt.
scene-fc.zip /diskmags The Scene Post issue #3.5.
yahoo02.zip /diskmags Topaz Beer Line--with some ASM94 stuff.
rave? /diskmags Rave issue #1 Sept 1994.
((Section 4...Music Articles by Snowman))
Not much new this week. Lots of .s3m uploads.
You may see a nice review of Mod-4-Windows in here in the next couple of
weeks. The author has offered me a pre-release version, and I look forward
to using it.
We ran out of space AGAIN this week! As a result, we are going to have to
shift this site from being a storehouse of ALL demos/music to a place where
the most current ones can be found. Your music disks and songs will probably
be gone about 2 weeks after you upload them.
Music Contest ][ is completely and totally over. I sent out all but one of
the prizes to the winners this past Tuesday, and the final prize today
(Saturday). Closing letters have been sent to all coordinators, sysops,
judges, and people interested in the contest.
All MC][ entries can be found under /music/MC2/entries. This directory is
completely ready for transfer onto the Escape CD.
As per multiple requests, I have copied mc2final.zip to the /music/MC2
directory. This way, our mirror sites can pick it up.
((Section 5...Code Articles by Snowman))
Hello everybody! This is the first week for Code articles. I have taken
yet another responsibility; organizing the source on this site.
To start, I have made the /code directory. All new files will be put in
there. Also, the /code directory will be divided up into /graph (graphics
files), /music (music source code), /hardware (mouse, keyboard routines),
etc. This will be much better (IMO) than having everything just thrown
together like it is now.
Also, the files from /programming will slowly be moved to the /code
directory. By the time they get there, they will ALL have .txt descriptions
telling what they are. This should help.
I could use a little input on what kind of changes you'd like, so please
drop me a note at r3cgm@dax.cc.uakron.edu.
((Section 6...ESCAPE Demo/Music CD))
Check /pub/msdos/demos/incoming/democd for UPDATES and information.
(i.e. More information, cost, how to get the DEMO/MC][ CD)
The audio portion of the Escape CD was recorded this past Friday. Everything
seemed to go ok. The tape was sent to Dan Wright on Saturday morning, and
should arrive early next week.
The DATA and ART portion of the CD are moving at a snails pace--sad to
say. Printing four color is a whole new ball game to me--this along
with our lack of submissions is causing our bottle neck. I have all or
most of the DATA on my hard drive ready to be organized and documented.
I will release a "filelist.txt" to the /democd directory this week so
you know what will be on the DEMO/MUSIC CD. It looks like around
210 megs of demos, MC][ stuff, and another 5-10 megs of misc stuff for
a total of around 230 megs. The music portion of the CD is expected to
take up 47-48 minutes. We will probabably end up using 90-100% of the
CD's allocated space.
I am shooting for a MID October release but a more realistic date would
be late October because printing takes 2 weeks when we DELIVER it and we
have not even done the SCREENS.
((Section 7...Advertisements))
>From aiy@mundil.cs.mu.OZ.AU Tue Sep 27 20:00:39 1994
ANSI BBS AD for a BBS in the land DOWN UNDER!
(We would not usually include a "uuencoded" file with this newsletter
but this somehow got caught in the shuffle....so, here it is)
begin 600 violent.nfo