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Now you can be the one to make a demo for the new IBM OS/2 Warp. Besides winning great prizes your group could become very well known in the business world; and you know what that means - commercial demos! So don't pass this unique chance to make your breakthru! One of the great new features OS/2 Warp gives you as a demo coder / graphician / etc is it's DIVE (Direct Video Interface). DIVE is a way to create games and even demos to run under OS/2 Warp's Presentation Manager. WHY IBM? -------- Why would so huge company as IBM take interest in the demoscene? Simply because they have understood the value your products (demos!) have. IBM might put your demo running to their machines at CeBIT or Comdex next year, think about that possibility of getting more fame! We are introducing this competition because we feel that this gives you as a demogroup an opportunity to become known also outside the demo scene. Can your group get any better recommendation than that you have made a demo for IBM? If you win in this compo, you should have no problems in getting work with commercial demos. The facts --------- The Warp demo competition is not exactly a normal demo competition. In this compo you have theme (OS/2 Warp) for your demo - that is, to win you have to advertise OS/2 Warp in your demo. This does NOT mean that your demo can't be a normal demo. Don't do it like the traditional demo that is= attached just to have an understanding of the OS/2 Warp product how it looks like. Your aim is to create a demo that is entertaining, flashy, creative fast and also highlight the benefits of OS/2 Warp for 'normal' PC users. Although this might sound something you haven't done before, it is not. Advertising in a demo is what you do at the moment - you just advertise your own group? So instead of putting "XYZ Crew" everywhere in your demo, you should have some info about OS/2 Warp and IBM or something similar flying around, or wobbling in some fancy effect. If you can also point out why OS/2 Warp is a superior graphical user interface on Intel platform, it is just great! However do not insult any competitive products. But don't let these guidelines stop you from doing a great *demo*? What we want is that you make a demo (just like you have been doing before)! New tricks and code are not a must. You can glue from your own older demos parts and make just a new look to them with OS/2 Warp. Assembly Organizing Inc. reserves the exclusive right to publish the productions mailed to this competition on a CD-ROM media. The productions will most likely be published on the Asm'95 CD-ROM. The authors of the winning productions will receive a portion of the net income of the CD-ROM from Assembly Organizing Inc according to the following table: place percentage --------- ---------- 1st place 5% 2nd place 2.5% 3rd place 1.5% 4th place 1% 5th place 0.5% Although the percentages can look low, the total revenue for the winning demo can be as much as 8000 US dollars (calculations based on the estimate of 10 000 CDs sold). Closing words ------------- This text file is the final version. Please, before starting to make a demo, contact the organizers of this competition and ask for the latest news about this competition. You can find the contact info below. Contact information ------------------- Assembly Organizing StarPort - The Future Crew WHQ Address: Lakkisepantie 13 +358-0-615 000 28 00620 Helsinki, Finland internet: mpoli.fi (telnet/rlogin) Voice: +358-0-777 3721 (user-id: pcboard) Fax: +358-0-757 3115 ftp://ftp.mpoli.fi (anonymous) Email: Pekka.Aakko@Helsinki.FI www://http.mpoli.fi Email: abyss@unix.mpoli.fi **** Rules of the IBM OS/2 Warp(*) demo competition ---------------------------------------------- Trademarks: - OS/2 and OS/2 Warp are Trademarks of IBM Corporation (*) - IBM and Future Crew & Accession accept all non-IBM Trademarks mentioned in this note (TM) Organizers: Future Crew & Accession (FC & ACC), Finland Oy International Business Machines Ab, FINLAND (IBM) These are the only official and final rules: 1. Make a demo of your own (animations not accepted) 2. Running time between 1-4 minutes 3. Maximum filesize 4Mb 4. Gravis UltraSound(TM) and Sound Blaster(TM) support is required (if you support other cards, it will be a bonus) 5. You can use any (S)VGA (with 512kb VMEM) mode you like, as long it is COMPATIBLE. So, if you use some fancy mode, make sure it works on at least 5 different cards (Cirrus, Paradise, Tseng, Trident, Video 7, Western Digital (all TMs) are examples of cards you should test your demo on). All graphics code must be 100% VGA register level compatible, and should you use svga, work under the VESA standards and the UniVesa driver. 6. One has to be able to exit from the demo by pressing ESC during any part of the demo. 7. The demo has to run on 550 kb free conventional memory and under 4Mb of extended memory in DOS (Note: Expectation is that the demo is made on DOS. However OS/2 is the other extra platform of choice but not required by any means to participate.) 8. The demo has to be compatible with QEMM, 386MAX, EMM or any similar memory manager (TMs) 9. Competition closes the 28th of February 1995 (28.02.95). The participating demos must be delivered to the following address by close of day, ONLY in one these three ways: a) uploaded to StarPort (contact info shown above) b) mailed to Assembly Organizing Inc, address shown above c) sent by email (uuencoded or MIME) to abyss@unix.mpoli.fi 10. The individuals of a group participating in this competition guarantee that they have all rights to every part of code, graphics, sound or other effects or material used in the demo to be able to grant IBM full rights for free distribution and usage of the demos in IBM's marketing. 11. IBM will reserve world-wide rights to use all participating demos in this competition for an unlimited time period in its marketing activities like publicly display and freely distribute the demos and to copy them without any limitations. 12. The author(s) will retain copyrights to his/their demo and are solely responsible that the necessary ownership information is implemented in the democode and visible. The author(s) are also responsible to highlight any other trademark ownership in their demo even if partly referred to such third party. 13. The use of IBM OS2 Warp logo is moderated: whenever word "warp" is shown on the screen, it must state "OS/2" somewhere, as Warp is a trademark of Universal Studios. Thus, everytime you use the word "Warp" you must put "OS/2" somewhere to the screen also. 14. Filenames you use in the demo must follow ISO-9660 format. Ie, NO special characters are allowed (like !,",#,=CF,%,&...), only letters and numbers. "_" is allowed, and "." inbetween the filename and its extension. In case of uncertainty, contact the organizers of this competition for further details. 15. The prizes of the OS/2 Warp competition are: 1st place 3000 USD + IBM PC Software (worth 2000 USD) 2nd place 1500 USD + IBM PC Software (worth 1000 USD) 3rd place 1000 USD + IBM PC Software (worth 800 USD) 4th place 500 USD + IBM PC Software (worth 700 USD) 5th place 0 USD + IBM PC Software (worth 500 USD) 16. Any taxes or other such payments based on winning the above prizes are payable by the winner if applicable. 17. The winners will be selected by an IBM Finland appointed jury. 18. The base criteria to select the winning demos will be: - The creativity of the demo - How well it captures the mind of ordinary people - How well it displays IBM OS/2 Warp and its benefits in a new innovative way PS. Do not contact any other IBM organization in the world than IBM Finland who has been arranging this with FC & ACC if anything to ask from IBM. Address: Oy International Business Machines Ab Personal Software Marketing Box 265 FIN-00101 Helsinki Finland Should any questions arise, contact the organizers of this competition. ÚÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ N ÄÄÄÄ A ÄÄÄÄ I ÄÄÄÄ D ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿¿ ÀÄÙ ÀÄÙ ³ ܱ ÜÜÜÜ°²Ü ÜÝ ßßÛ²ÜÜ ³ ³ ßßÜ Þ²Ý Ü²±±²ß ²Û²Û ÜÜÛÛ²Ü ÞÛ²±² ³ ³ ܲ±°ÞÝ Û² Þ²°±²Ý ÞÛÛÛ²ÝÜ ßßÛ²²±ß ÛÛ²±Ý ³ ³ Þ²°²±ÞÛ ÞÛÛ ²°±²Û ÞÛÛÛ²Ý Û²ÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ÞÛÛ²Ý ³ ³ ²°±²ÛÝÛÝ ÞÛÛ ±²²ÛÛÜ ²ÛÛÛÛÝ Þ²°±²ÛÛÛß Üܲ²Ûß ÞÛÛ²Û ³ ³ Û±²ÛÛÝÛÛ ÛÛ² Þ²²ÛÛÛ ÞÛÛÛÛÛ Û±²ÛÛß Ü²±²²Û ÞÛÛÛ² ³ ³ ÞÛ²ÛÛÛÞÛÜ ÜÛ²Ý Þ²ÛÛÛÝ Û²ÛÛÛ Û²ÛÛÝ Û²°±²ÛÝ ÛÛÛÛ² ³ ³ ÛÛ²ÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛ²²Ý ÛÛÛÛÛ Þ²ÛÛÛÝ Þ²ÛÛ Þ²°±²ÛÛ ÛÛÛ²Û ³ ³ ÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ²±ÛÝ ÛÛ²Û Þ±²ÛÛÝ ÞÛÛÛ Þ²±²ÛÛÛÝ ÞÛÛ²±Ý ³ ³ ßÛÛÝ ßÛÛÛß ÞÛÛß Û±²²Û ÛÛÛÝ Û²²ÛÛÛ²Ü ÜÛÛ²±ß ³ ³ ßßÜ Üßß ßßÛÛÛÜÜ ßßÛÜ ßß²ÛÛÛ²±°ÞßßCo- ³ ³ ³ ³ N A I D - T H E A P R A X I A F A C T O R ³ ³ North American International PC DEMO Festival ³ ³ ³ ÚÄ¿ ÜÞÛ ÛßßÛÝ ÛßßÛÝÞÛßßß ÚÄ¿ ÀÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÞÛ ÞÛÜÝÛÝÞÛÜÝÛÝ ßßßÛ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙÙ ÜÛÛÜ ÜÜÜÛÝ ÜÜÜÛÝÞÜÜÜÛÝ NAID - Infofile Version 2.1 - December 5th, 1994 ÚÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÀÄÙ Organized by ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ MAIN ORGANIZERS ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄú þ Khan (Etienne Caron) þ The Veritech Knight (William Le) þ Midnight Sun (Site Coordinator) (Eric Lagac‚) þ Struk (Public Relations) (Laurent Gauthier) þ Deverox (Design) (Benoit Ladouceur) THE TEAM (In alphabetical order) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄú þ Alex (Alexandre Boisseau) þ Bird (Michel Gaudreau) þ Boggart (Eric Nadeau) þ Cousin IT (Simon-Pierre Pomerleau) þ Foin (Louis-Martin CarriŠre) þ Karine (Karine Boulianne) þ Killer (France Viau) þ Kodiac (C‚dric Legault) þ Martin (Martin P‚pin) þ Pierre (Pierre Jackson) þ Richard (Richard Dumas) þ Shaun (Shaun Dor‚) þ Spelljammer (Fran‡ois-Michel Larocque) þ The Black Vulture (Philippe Gamache) þ Wolf (Benoit Provencher) ÚÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÀÄÙ Sponsored by ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Current Official Sponsors: ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄú þ CollŠge Edouard-Montpetit ÚÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÀÄÙ Introduction ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ You are reading the official invitation text-file to the North American International Demo Festival held at Edouard-Montpetit College in Longueuil, 15 minutes from the well known city of Montreal, in the province of Quebec, Canada. Prepare for *the* most INCREDIBLY HUMONGOUS AND EXTRAORDINARY event ever held ...in Montreal that is. For those who ever dreamnt of attending a big demoparty, (on this side of the ocean), this is the closest you'll ever get without having to learn any finnish :) . The event will last 2 days, Saturday the 15th of April from 9am until 9pm Sunday the 16th. Ticket costs are: 5$ for only one day. 7$ for the works (2 days plus sleeping quarters). Places are limited to 1100 people, so reserve your tickets today! (7 canadian dollars...Do you know how much that is worth? Dare to compare! :> that's only 5.25$ U.S.). ÚÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÀÄÙ Party Features ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ There will be on-site at the festival: þ Demo/intro/music/gfx compos w/prizes þ Lotsa space for everyone (capacity is around 1100 peoples + computers) þ Easy access to water, bathrooms, showers. þ Electricity for everyone (Bring your own computer!... but if it gets decapitated, trampled on, or simply thrown into the olympic sized pool, well... JUST TOO BAD ! :>> The organizers are not responsible for your equipment) þ Security guards on service 24h/day þ Lots of comfortable and quiet sleeping places (Bring your own sleeping bags). Classrooms (where people will sleep) will be locked to ensure luggage safety. You can reserve classrooms in advance if you are a group. Contact us! þ First-Aid available on the site 24h/day þ HUMONGOUS Dolby Surround sound system þ HUMONGOUS screen þ HUMONGOUS light setup þ On-site Olympic size pool þ Diskthrowing competition and other crazy-like activities þ Dinosaur museum (Come show-off your PC Junior,XT,etc.) þ On site programming/music making/gfx drawing þ The Party-place is close to every luxury this civilisation can provide (restaurants, bars, shopping malls, arcades, etc.) ÚÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÀÄÙ The Voting System ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ The Jury will be composed of professional people in the domain of graphics, music, and programming. There will also be public prizes where the public will be the judge. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÀÄÙ Prizes ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Prizes will be composed of cash and/or hardware. All numbers here are subject to change (probably for the best :>). All cash prizes will be awarded in Canadian currency. Ranking Demo Intro Music Graphic Total ÄÄÄÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÄÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÄÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÄÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÄÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÄÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ þ 1st place 1000$ 500$ 300$ 300$ þ 2nd place 600$ 350$ 200$ 200$ þ 3rd place 300$ 200$ 100$ 100$ þ Public Prize 1000$ 500$ 300$ 300$ ÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄ 2900$ 1550$ 900$ 900$ = 6250$ ÚÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÀÄÙ Competition Rules ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Demo Compo ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ The Demo's runtime size must not exceed 3 megs. Time limit is 20 minutes. All demos will be run on the same machine (Contestants will have some time to test their productions before the compo). Intro Compo ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ The intro's runtime size must not exceed 100k. Time limit is 5 minutes. All intros will be run on the same machine (Contestants will have some time to test their productions before the compo.). Music Compo ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ All the songs will be played by default with Inertia Player (IPlay). If you have a file format IPlay cannot play or you don't want to use IPlay, be sure to have your own player (All songs must be tracked, no midi files will be accepted). There will not be a seperate compo for multi-channel and 4 channel songs. (A song is a song). Song length cannot exceed 5 minutes. Limit one song per person. Graphics Compo ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ All graphics must be "hand drawn" (so to speak). No ray-traced, ripped or scanned images. Maximum resolution is 640x480x256. The latest version of CSHOW will be used to display the pics. When submitting a pic, an earlier version of that pic and a non-signed version must also be handed in. Limit one pic per person. ÚÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÀÄÙ Competition Computer ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ The computer used for the compos will be: ³ 486DX2/66 with 8 Megs of RAM ³ A 32bit Local Bus VGA card ³³ Gravis UltraSound sound card w/ 1 meg ³³ or Sound Blaster Pro2. ÀÙ ÚÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÀÄÙ Distribution ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Everything will be distributed on-site and off, unless the respective authors request otherwise. ÚÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÀÄÙ Deadlines ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Intros úúú All intros must be received by 19h00 Saturday the 15th of April 1995. Demos úúúú All demos *must* be received by Midnight, Saturday the 15th of April 1995. (Midnight as in the minute between Saturday and Sunday). Music úúúú All music compositions must be received by 15h00 Saturday the 15th of April 1995. Graphics ú All pics must be received by 15h30 Saturday the 15th of April 1995. Of course, if it took 6 months of your life to code the most ultimate demo ever in the history of mankind, and it's 5 minutes late, well... JUST TOO BAD ! :) ÚÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÀÄÙ Application ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ When submitting a demo, intro, music or graphic for the compo (either the day of the compo, or to one of the organizers in advance, preferably the latter), be sure to fill the appropriate form and pack it with your submission. See section "Contact Us" to know how to... contact us! :) ÚÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÀÄÙ CONTACT US! ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ þ Call The Robotech Factory +1-514-465-3408 and leave the necessary feedback. SysOp: The Veritech Knight (one of the main organizers). þ Write on: NADnet - Official NAID echo net! WHQ: Rash Reflections +1-514-635-4043, SysOp: Coluche þ Internet: E-Mail naid@ebsco.com (fastest/cheapest way) þ Snail-Mail: NAID / APRAXIA 607 Pl. Soulanges Brossard, Que. Canada J4X-1L8 Don't hesitate to call / write for info. Contact us for the party-place's address! Route maps marked with "follow the red line" available if you are comming by bus or car. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ W I R E D ÄÄÍÍÍÄÄ 1 9 9 4 ÄÄÍÍÍÄÄ ÄÄÄÍÍÍÍÍÄÄÄ WiRED 1994 was held in Mons/Belgium (somewhere in the ricefields like Lord Cyrix likes to call it) from 29th till 31st october. The party was organised by Antares/Babylon 5/Chryseis. WiRED was the first demoparty held in Belgium and i think it sucked less then ASSEMBLY 1994 so that ain't so bad but then again what can suck more then ASM (read "truth about ASM'94" by Grif/Phantom Dezign)?! I went to Mons by train, that was quite easy, but then the hard stuff started. I had been so stupid not to bring the map that Antares released in their invitation intro so I have been walking in the fuckin' rain for 2 hours without any result. When I got back to the railway- station I luckily found my friends from PHUN/TRAXX/BLACK DEZIGN. We waited for all members to arrive before leaving for the search of the place. I must say that the place was rather hard to find but anyway, we got there around 14.00. WiRED was held in the amphitheatre-building on the campus of the university of Mons/Hainaut which looked like this: ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ Back ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ ³ Entrance ³ Hall 2 ³ ³ Amphitheatre - ³ ³ ³ ³ All compos were ³ À ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ ³ held inhere ³ ³ Ä Stairs to ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ¿ ³ ³ -> Sleeping Room ³ Toilets ³ ³ ³ Ä (Very big) ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Ù ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ -> Sandwich Place Front ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ Entrance ³ ³ Hamburger ³ ³ Kitchen ³ ÚÄÄÄÄÙ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ WiRED '94 PARTYPLACE ³ ³ ³ Hall 1 ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ - Amphitheatre: This was really 'de max'. This place was really perfect for the compos, the sound was really cool and everybody had a good view. Gore/FC should learn from this. - Hall: There were two halls full of tables where everybody had a spot with electricity. No major problems inhere allthough the music was pretty 'mixed'. Everybody brought his hifi-equipment and played everything as loud as they could. Unfortunately Imagine had the biggest thingie so they ruled in hall 1 (and they ruled also the demo-compo). - Food: There were five possibilities: * Lots of guys brought their own food * It was easy to find some food-stores around * There was a hamburger thingie open at the place (not all night) * There was a sandwich thingie open at the place (not all night) where it was also possible to get some drinks. So in fact there was no 24/24 food possibilty as promised but I didn't starve because of that. * Two or three times a day it was possible to order your pizza, so that was really cool, allthough they costed 300 BEF on sunday. The size was really good for that prize so you won't hear me yawn about it. - Toilets: I must say the toilets were really good, there were enough 'do your dang-thingies' and they were quite clean after all :) The big mistake of WiRED is that there were NO SHOWERS !! How can a demoparty attract nice chicks when all dudes are dirty because there is no shower. At ASM there were still 3 showers for 3000 people (I guess Grif didn't find them :)) and we had a shower 2/3 times a day ... Maybe nxt year huh ?! - Sleeping Room: On the second floor there was a very large hall were people could sleep. It was quite dark inthere and the noise from downstairs was limited. Very nice in comparison with ASM'94 ù: Saturday 29th :ù The party officially started at 13.00. As we arrived at 14.00 it was all- ready stuffed with people. No special events occured in the afternoon, first pizza-round was announced and in the evening there was the DOOM-compo. I went to the reception-desk and joined the compo. Well, I guess we were around 20/30 competitors :). The compo was under the bigscreen on the stage at the amphitheatre and 4 guys were playing at the time. The one who first had 5 frags would be the winner. But the organizers changed the keys, I had no time finding out the keys for running and spaffling. Anyway, so I didn't won, ok, so what ... nxt time better huh (couldn't find any better excuse at the moment) !? After the compo, lots of old demos and intros were shown from amiga and PC. At night they played 'Naked Gun 2 1/3' and 'Patriot Games' on CD-I. Don't ask me how that was because I fell asleep :). Ask another guy who was there. ù: Sunday 30th :ù I woke up around 6.15 and at that time the sleeping room was really filled with people makin' funny noises. As I slept about 4 hours (which is quite much at a demoparty) I got back downstairs to see a whole bunch of coders coding and artists drawing with their eyes allmost closed :). That day, everybody was realy busy laying last hand on his productions. Anyway, the deadline was 18.00 but at the end it was 20.00 or something (organising is a tough business :)). All day long people played DOOM and even some guys played all night after 'Patriot Games' ended. They really looked DOOMed :). Around 20.30 the theatre was filled with people (seems there were 400 voters which is not bad for a first phase of a party in Belgium) and the compos began. I don't really remember the order of the compos but I still know the PC musiccompo (in which I competed too) was around 2.00 in the morning and that is a fuckin' big mistake. Only the groups who entered a product into the compo where there. All others were allready gone ... No wonder that OVAN/HYPERNOVA won the compo (Hypernova was the biggest group still present). I'm not saying OVAN made shit, his entry was very nice, but I'm just not happy about the fact that there were allmost no voters left. And then again my module was played wrong (like some others told me too). They played it with DMP instead of INERTIA PLAYER and that on a SB16 instead of on a GUS. That made me quite mad. And there was that typical partyorganiser attitude of quitting in the middle of a production telling there is a lack of time. FUCK THAT !!! There is no lack of time, ya got all night !! Anyway, I went upstairs sleeping, cuz I had enough of that bullshit. But allthough I must say there was a nice sphere in the compoplace. Belgium may be proud of his scene, I really like all guys I met and nobody acted shitty. The presentation of the compos was rather amateuristic but we laughed us to death ("Hij heeft een hondelul" :)). ù: Monday 31st :ù That morning I didn't wait for the results. I left at 7.00 to get my train and I arrived home about 10.00. I heard the results in the afternoon and first entries were pumped upon my board. I had really a lot of fun at WiRED, but that is mostly because of the PHUN crew, we know eachother quite good because we have a lot of meetings. I suggest all groups should do that, it makes a group more fun to be with. Computers are not the only thing in life ya know :) I would like to greet the following groups/dudes at WiRED - [PHUN-TRAXX-BD/PC] : When is the nxt meeting dudez ?? - [MELTING POT/AMIGA] : Very nice GFX dudez, greetz to tha 'hondelul' :) - [ZION/PC] : Finally on the move. - [ISCH CREW/PC] : Very nice products. - [IMAGINE/PC] : Very nice demo and muzaq. - [BLAZE RUNNER/TRAXX] : Nice guy you are, get that board running. - [SLEEPING DOG/NATIVES] : Vergeet uwen oven niet h‚ :) - [PURPLE ZEBRA/NATIVES] : I saw you on TV :) - [DOCTOR K-OS/RADICAL] : Hope to see ya soon again, tape's commin'. - [SEMTEX/TFS] : Watch your back man and I sure hope you'll get that PC. - [PROBOTECTOR/AZURE SKY] : Nxt time, I want a release from ya :) And somebody please make that "STRUIFJE" amiga-demo on PC !! It really kicked ass :) Anybody who thinks WiRED SUX might be right (I'm quite happy about it) but first go to ASM and then come back to WiRED, let's see what you say then ! WiRED was an event that should be done more frequently in Belgium, our scene is not a bag of shit !! ù: ATTEND WiRED '95 :ù [THE ORME/AZURE SKY-BD-PHUN] ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ