Cyberphreak interviews Deadpoet/Shunt
An IRC interview:
[deadpoet] oh hey [deadpoet] interview time? [cyberphreak] :) [deadpoet] ok, spunky.. [deadpoet] *tap tap*.. this thing on? [cyberphreak] hehe [cyberphreak] right, first off, give us your name, age, group, job in the scene... [deadpoet] My name is Jonathan.. 19yrs young, currently in a group called shunt [deadpoet] and i'm a musician mostly [deadpoet] and do some (bad) gfx on the side [cyberphreak] cool, so how long have you been tracking, and what programs do you use to make your music ? [deadpoet] since, *coff* i was about 14.. [deadpoet] oh, brb, other fone [deadpoet] back [deadpoet] yeah, i started when i was about 14 [deadpoet] with.. *drum roll*.. ModEdit [deadpoet] :) [deadpoet] now i use FT2 [deadpoet] and soundforge, and other audio apps for samples and such [cyberphreak] what would you say is the main source of inspiration for your music ? [deadpoet] boredem [deadpoet] well, actually [deadpoet] that sense of exploring things, fucking with programs and such, how i'm feeling at the time [deadpoet] usually i dont know what im going to write,.. i fiddle on my keybaord (pc keyb..) and start writing something, and i spit something out at the end of some days/hours/whatever [cyberphreak] i remember you saying, that your songs have the "Jonathan" in them, what would you call this "Jonathan" in your music ? [deadpoet] a fine example of poor breeding conditions? [cyberphreak] haha [deadpoet] uh.. well, every artist has their own signature [deadpoet] their own, mark in all their music [deadpoet] i think one of the reasons is that i've had no music theory education [deadpoet] and i learnt everything by fiddling, with the aid from friends now and then.. [cyberphreak] Oh, i was just about to ask that :) [deadpoet] *smile* [cyberphreak] What do you think about the South African tracking scene ? [deadpoet] i think there's alot of unused potential [deadpoet] not many artists make me raise an eyelash, sadly [deadpoet] tho i dont know that much [deadpoet] NiMH is my fav tracker in the local scene [deadpoet] Jahya is a fine tracker [deadpoet] chuK was v good too, but he's buggered off to the UK.. [deadpoet] i enjoy a few of saurax's tunes [cyberphreak] BTW, would you like some coffee ? [deadpoet] yes, brb :) [cyberphreak] cool, me too, im tired of thinking of questions ** cyberphrk is away [coffee] ** deadpoet [away coffee] [deadpoet] yes, have a break.. i went dancing to the kiten to boil the kettle, i love the Pixies [cyberphreak] hehe [cyberphreak] right... enough musical questions ** deadpoet fears what other questions you havent lined up [cyberphreak] I see youre interested in art too, what has influenced you into drawing computer art ? [deadpoet] um [deadpoet] well [deadpoet] when i was 12, we got a puter [deadpoet] and my brother got autodesk animator [deadpoet] and i LOVED that.. i used to annoy my friends by sitting at the puter and fiddling with it [deadpoet] and sergio who used to try and hit X all the time (it cleared the screen) [cyberphreak] haha [cyberphreak] hey, help me out here, i need some questions :) [cyberphreak] im a lame interviewer :) [deadpoet] have you seen Nuclear Cheese? [cyberphreak] :) [cyberphreak] okay [cyberphreak] Have you seen Nuclear Cheese ? [deadpoet] no man [deadpoet] i was asking YOU [deadpoet] hehehe [cyberphreak] hey i though *I* ask the questions here :) [deadpoet] it's a liddle demo Andrew and i whipped up (RawHed) [cyberphreak] nope [deadpoet] lamer :) [deadpoet] he's comming to dbn and we're gonna do some more stuff together ** [ed note] wonder what kind of 'stuff' ;) [deadpoet] have u met him? [cyberphreak] I heard one of the files on http://SURF.TO/DEMOS was infected with a virus [cyberphreak] it scared me off :) [cyberphreak] nope, i spoke to him on irc tho [deadpoet] he's a funny dude [deadpoet] are you going to paste this irc log for the mag? ( i dont mind ) [cyberphreak] yeah, but i suppose it'll need some editing :) [cyberphreak] you've had that annoying away msg on [deadpoet] more q's [cyberphreak] the whole time [deadpoet] oh [cyberphreak] :) [deadpoet] sorry bout that [cyberphreak] okay, lemme see... [cyberphreak] whats your favorite demo ? [deadpoet] i think.. Crystal Dreams 2 [deadpoet] you thought i was going to say 2nd Reality, didnt u? :) [deadpoet] i'm an avid Triton fan [cyberphreak] ahha [cyberphreak] now i really think youre a lamer :) [cyberphreak] no offence to Triton tho [deadpoet] :)~ [cyberphreak] Okay, and what's your favorite tracked song ? [deadpoet] oh lord, no comment [deadpoet] thats tricky [cyberphreak] eheh :) [deadpoet] i can tell u my fav trackers [cyberphreak] okay, that'll do [deadpoet] It Alien - for his sheer musical talent, tracking genious and obscure music .. he rocks [deadpoet] Wave: amazing [deadpoet] Jogier Liljedahl: dunno if i spelt it right, he's a god of mine [deadpoet] Lizardking, Skaven, Pm, [cyberphreak] ah good, i was starting to get worried :) ** cyberphrk is a FC freak [deadpoet] nimh, awesome, [deadpoet] umm [cyberphreak] Are you planning on entering anything at Optimise 99 ? [deadpoet] no [deadpoet] of course i am :) [deadpoet] multi#, handrawn art [deadpoet] 4# and raytraced if i have time/inspiration [deadpoet] and the open compo [deadpoet] hopefully by then my love and i will do a vocal song together for the open bit [cyberphreak] sounds cool, i hope to see you there then [cyberphreak] well, i guess that brings us to the end our interview with.. *drum roll* deadpoet [cyberphreak] it was nice chatting with you [deadpoet] i hope to see everyone there too [deadpoet] hey, dont i get to say hi? [cyberphreak] oh yeah [cyberphreak] say hi [deadpoet] to all my fans *coff coff* [deadpoet] :) [deadpoet] I wanna say hi to Clair, my love of my life who loves, understands and accepts me, who even enjoys my music :) [deadpoet] Rawhed - a dude of note [deadpoet] nimh - another dude, who has a funny voice when he's sick [deadpoet] jahya, chuk, chrome, [cyberphreak] and me ? :) [deadpoet] michal, michelle, mike, sergio, all my irc friends [deadpoet] etc; [deadpoet] who ? :P [cyberphreak] ME [deadpoet] hello cyberphrk, i love youman.. satrudaynight with the hot candle wax was beautiful.. :) ** deadpoet *hides* ** cyberphrk blushes [cyberphreak] heh, HEY, where's my Hi's ? [deadpoet] hi? [cyberphreak] the interview never gets to say Hi [deadpoet] :) [deadpoet] no, he doesnt [cyberphreak] i think im gonna have to change that today... [deadpoet] oooh, revolutionary :) [deadpoet] you go boi [cyberphreak] i'd like to greet, all the opt99'ers, my friends, and everyone that knows me, thank you [deadpoet] oh, and [deadpoet] i'd like to add [deadpoet] if anyone wants, i can make copies of my first album, for R40 each, so mail me: [deadpoet] and bring em to o99 [cyberphreak] HEY [cyberphreak] cut the advertisments [cyberphreak] :) [deadpoet] a starving musician has to [deadpoet] :) [cyberphreak] hehe [cyberphreak] hey, i wonder what this button does... [cyberphreak] *ZAP* ** cyberphrk end of transmition