Rawhed - Let the brain picking...BEGIN! So eclipse...tell us who u are and what your position in your
         group is..and a bit about the other ppl in your group.  

Eclipse - I started the demogroup about 3 years ago with a musician Surreal. My main position is that
          of a coder but I do odd stuff when I have to like graphics and webpage houskeeping. 
          Extortioner and Creature joined 4 months ago to help with code and design. We are looking
          for a good artist atm. 

Rawhed - Why Omniscient Oracle?  

Eclipse - Its a cool name don't ya think ? We just changed it from Timeless recently. ...Don't ask ;) 


Rawhed - What has your group done?  

Eclipse - We've released mostly mod/s3m/it's through these years. Demos we released are Mute... Guess
          why its called mute.. Its 'cos there's no sound :) Then there's Phenomna which is our latest
          demo with full support for most soundcards... hehe.. We are currently working on our new 3D 
          engine Phase 3. The source code for Phase 1 & 2 are freely available on our homepage.  

Rawhed - What got u started on coding and then the demoscene?  

Eclipse - I started coding after I saw a few Amiga demos about 7 years ago. I only heard about the
          demoscene after I got my first modem and called a few local BBS's. Isn't that how everybody
          starts ? ;-) 


Rawhed - So what do you like to do outside of the demo scene?  

Eclipse - I play Quake 'til I frag. Its a coder thing :) Other than computers I'm a perfectly normal
          human being... or thats what I'd like to think. hehe.. 


Rawhed - lol. What hardware/software do you use for coding?  

Eclipse - P2/266, I use Djgpp2 + pgcc + tasm/tlink for my compilers. I mostly do all my work in dos. 


Rawhed - Where do you think demos are headed?  

Eclipse - Demos are going to be _3d-only_ soon. Thats only my guess. 


Rawhed - What are your plans for optimise98?  

Eclipse - We're probable going to enter all the catagories. 


Rawhed - hehe kewl, look forward to seeing it. i'm entering too ya know ;) What do you think of the SA scene?  

Eclipse - The sa demoscene is a bit behind other countries :( ...but I think we have potential. 


Rawhed - What is you favorite demo, and for what reason?  

Eclipse - Sunflower by Pulse and Fulcrum by Matrix. 


Rawhed - Have u been to any SA compos? which ones, what did u think, and describe your experience.  

Eclipse - I've been to Southern Lights 2. It was great to meet so many people that code demos! 
          There were about 30 pc's stacked everywhere. The power failed every 2 seconds and we 
          played Quake. We also had a disc throwing contest :) 


Rawhed - What is it about the demo scene which keeps you here?  

Eclipse - I like to code graphics. The demoscene is the only scene that appreciates demos. 


Rawhed - kewl, plans for the future?  

Eclipse - make more demos :) then make games. Beat id software at their own game :) both ways 


Rawhed - How can ppl get hold of ya?  

Eclipse - Ok. mail me @ eclipse@softhome.net or visit my homepage oo.home.ml.org or
          www.geocities.com/ResearchTriangle/1586 OR www.icon.co.za/~bgb 


Rawhed - Is there anything else you'd like to say, or mention before we wrap this up?  

Eclipse - hmmm...yes :) I just want to say that OO is going to win the next compo and that other
          groups should know that beforehand ;-) 


Rawhed - thanks for chatting...but i'm not so sure about "OO winning the next compo"  

Eclipse - B there or B SQUARE!