Eclipse interviews Getafix
Eclipse - When and how did you start coding ? Getafix - When I first started coding, it was on a SpectraVideo (kinda like the commodore) with a built-in interpreter simular to GWBasic. The following year, using Debug to write programs on a XT Turbo, I dived into the world of PC's. Eclipse - What hardware/software do you use for coding ? Getafix - When lazy I'll use Turbo Pascal 7 to test new models or engines but mostly I will dig in deep with TASM and DOS32 Extender by Adam S. DJGPP is the next challenge and hopefully it will pave the way for the future. Eclipse - Are you and your group entering Optimise 98 ? Getafix - We'll brew up some magic stuff for this years' compo and be warned - we will take the prize! Eclipse - What in the SA demoscene do you want to see improved ? Getafix - More groups and ppl actively working and communicating on the scene, more compo's to get them brains ticking and last but not least, a SA compo that kicks butt internationally! Eclipse - What is your current favorite demo or music ? Getafix - 2nd Reality is top of my list for classic demos. I prefer my CD player and some mellow music from Martika, Culture Beat, McZar but also some old Black Box and Snap. Oh yeah, One Vision from Queen really floats my cork. Eclipse - What was your first computer ? Getafix - 12 MHz V20 XT, 1Mb, 20Mb, 360k, mono/CGA combo, small paper-white. Eclipse - What was the first demo you watched ? Getafix - Some production from Cascada I think. Eclipse - Do you have any current projects you'd like to mention ? Getafix - I'm working on a 3D engine to rock up some Space Flight simulator or something. Eclipse - Do you think the current trend in "non-vector" design is overrated ? Getafix - You can have some nice effects but thats all they ever stay! Don't get me wrong, 2D stuff can be very addictive, but personally I think the advances made in 3D hardware will eventually rule. Mind you, a game like Star Control II will beat any 3D game in my books. Eclipse - You got that right! ..Now if someone would just realise that... $) Where do you think demo design is headed ? Getafix - Nowadays when most card support 24bit and better colour frames, the old fake-modes and colour tweaking days are over. I think all demos will eventually go HiRes 'cos the power available on todays systems can drive it. Eclipse - What are your plans for the future ? Getafix - Join a group, code some nice demos, develop a game that will rock the planet. Eclipse - Anyone out there you'd like to say hi to, thank or threaten ? Getafix - All the guys from the Clock Compo... thanx, I really enjoyed meeting all. Special thanx to Viper and Maverick from Serenity for their patient e-mails on all my queries and Eclipse for some nice chatting on the IRC. Eclipse - And how can you be contacted ? Getafix - Best to contact me at and I hang out on the IRC at Optimise and Coders. Eclipse - Thanks for your time!