Eclipse - When and how did you start tracking ? Rawnerve - When and how did you start tracking ? I started with MODS (4 track) in 1993. I was then called The Enhancer, and part of a group CSI - Cybernetic Software Inc. Eclipse - What equipment do you use for making music ? Rawnerve - I use a P133, SBAwe32 Eclipse - Are you and your group entering Optimise 98 ? Rawnerve - I am. Eclipse - What in the SA demoscene do you want to see improved ? Rawnerve - The publicity. Many people dont know whats happening. If we could entice public awaremeness we could get nice sponsors etc. Eclipse - What is your current favorite demo or music ? Rawnerve - n/a (I have been away from the scene lately :)) Eclipse - What was your first computer ? Rawnerve - commodore 64.....and then my 286....what else ? :) Eclipse - What was the first mod that you listened too ? Rawnerve - one of dr.awesome Eclipse - Do you have any current projects you'd like to mention ? Rawnerve - yip - my new robert miles-trend dance tune! Eclipse - What are your plans for the future ? Rawnerve - finish my last years studying - make money as an engineer Eclipse - Anyone out there you'd like to say hi to, thank or threaten ? Rawnerve - hi to Peter (Chrome...) where r u!!?? and Elemental - 1 of the best Eclipse - And how can you be contacted ? Rawnerve - Eclipse - Thanks for your time!