Eclipse - Who are you and the other members of your group ? Zero Impact - ZeroImpact : Coding and some GFX ( Thats me ) Graile : Coding ( This dude is the weird one in the group has funky ideas) Getafix : Coding ( Kick ass ASM programmer !!! ) Raid : Music/Code Elektron : Coder ( still have to figure out if his still active havent heard anything from him in months ) as you can see we need a GFX ARTIST !!! ;-) { hint hint } Eclipse - How did your group get its name ? Zero Impact - Well Eclipse it was late one evening me and Graile just got back from Bourbon Street ( a local pub ) and was reading some comic with a NuN as the main hero character , with big Basookaz ( no Realy the ones that fires biiiggg bullets , and not that kind of Bazookaz you where thinking of *eh eh* ) and there was a cd playing with some Japanese folk music and we where talking about the local music scene , and well with the drums playing in the background the word Tribe poped to mind and well we just couldn't push it of our stacks so we anded Tribal with NuNz together and got Tribal NuNz and this was all back oh in what let me see mmmm ... last year 1997 ... he he just before Optemise 97 , the group was borne ... Eclipse - When and how did you start coding ? Zero Impact - Mmm the first time I touched a computer back in oh about '85 I was about 11 it was one of the old sinclair computers with peeks and pokes, it was my friends dads pc mean expensive , he had a couple of games and we wonderd how the games where done so the next logical thing was to pull the game appart and look at the code ( after strugeling to find out that there was actually code there he he ) Eclipse - What hardware/software do you use for coding ? Zero Impact - At the Moment I have a 486 DX4-100 with 16mb of Ram and 2.2Gb HDD , but i'm getting in this month a new pc Pentium II or somethin ... depends on the money he he ... Tools I use for demo programming Pascal , Tasm , Borland c++ and the new Addition is DGJJP ;-) Eclipse - Are you and your group entering Optimise 98 ? Zero Impact - Yep , forsure , I hope Eclipse - What in the SA demoscene do you want to see improved ? Zero Impact - MORE PEOPLE JOINING !!!!! The people that are currently active are great sports all good people ..... Eclipse - What is your current favorite demo or music ? Zero Impact - mmm favorite demo , I don't have a reaaaaly fave demo ..... for just somethin thats kewl is "tribes" I will be reviewing this demo and a review will be posted on Eclipse - What are some of your best productions with Tribal Nunz ? Zero Impact - None Zero Zip Nada ..... we have not released anything yet , we did enter Optemise 97 last year in the 128k demo comp got second place ( which I dont think we desereved realy cause it SUCKED BIIIG TIME ) so I dont even want to mention that .... thats that .... Eclipse - What was your first computer ? Zero Impact - Spectravideo SVI328 .... heard of it ??? it pluged into a TV and took about 8min to load a game from a tape had a wopping 64K Ram and 80k Rom .... my second pc was a genuine XT 4.77Mhz that ran at 3.77Mhz with a 10MB HDD and 256k memory with a plug in board to upgrade my memory to 640k Eclipse - What was the first demo you watched ? Zero Impact - mmm it was an old Vector Ball demmo with Vector balls creating forms and images , then of course the first REAAALY evil demo I saw was *DRUM ROLE PLEASE* FC's Unreal ... yep boys and girls sorry to disapoint you but hey yeah they are old they are almost dead but lets face it there demo's set the standards ... but there are better demos out today that is kick ass and by far better than FC's old stuff like NOOON and Orange ... Eclipse - Do you have any current projects you'd like to mention ? Zero Impact - Well we are busy for Optimise 98 , and I am trying to get the idea past my fellow group members to do a Diskmag , so if any one wants to help PLEAAASE do !!!! Mail me ...... I know Penumbra had a disk mag but I don't know where these guys are any more I mean they did a real good job ... Eclipse - Yip! I still have all of their diskmag's on my harddisk :-) Penumbra changed their name to Existence. Their current members are Moof, Meeku and Hogus. They left the demoscene a while back :( ...I have rumors that they will maby be at Optimise98 to see what we are up to. Anyway, do you think the current trend in "non-vector" design is overrated ? Zero Impact - "Well is it ??? what do you think ?" Eclipse - I think its ridiculous. The more 3D the more Fun sue me ;) Where do you think demo design is headed ? Zero Impact - 3D Accelerator programing , I mean well it's realy cool to see the demo ppl are using this technology to its fullest but the problem is they aren't programing there own routines ... so design has to be jacked up a lot .... a nother thing is Windows ( Flame me or mail me your view if you want but hey it's true ) .... lotsa demos are going that way ... and one thing I must say I think it's cool cause it's a learning curve for all and hey what the hell in the past we pushed Dos to it's max and ripped the OS appart to see how it ticks , now it's Windoze's turn ... see it as an adventure people , do not be afraid of the light !! ( and all of a sudden I hear the voice of Darth Vader - come to the Dark Side Luke ) he he Eclipse - I'm afraid that your on your own with this one. Ever heard of Linux ?? I wouldn't say coding for windows is an adventure.. more like a nightmare. But if you want you can code for all 3 OS's using PTC. I really recommend that to all serious graphics programmers. What are Tribla Nunz's plans for the future ? Zero Impact - To code and code and code,to enjoy the demoscene, contribute to it as much as we can and drink a lot of Coke .. Eclipse - Anyone out there you'd like to say hi to, thank or threaten ? Zero Impact - Special Thanks to Viper , we bumped into each other at Varsity and actually introduced me to the local scene , I knew about the Demoscene but never actually realised there was a small scene growing strongly in our mysts ... so greats also goes out to my team members Graile , Getafix , Raid , Elektron Greets to Neuron , Maverick , Rawhead , thief , Trixter , Jugi , Jmagik , Caz and well all those I can't think of now plus ALL SA DEMO CODERS !!! Eclipse - ..I think that abouts covers almost everbody ;) ..And how can you be contacted ? Zero Impact - Eclipse - Thanks for your time! Zero Impact - Pleasure , next time when we play 21 questions remind me to write a bot that can do this ...... Eclipse - Don't worry.. this is likely to be your last ;) Zero Impact - ZeroImpact signing off .... and remember "If you do not succeed at first , destroy all the evidince that you have tried" Eclipse - ..or declare the source code public domain and hope the public fixes everything.. Yo Mozilla! ;)