by Miktar(co-written by Bromus)
What does 'erf' mean, people seem to ask me, but to explain its significance, is not easy you see. It is a strange enigma in the english sentence, of which Ed's use can be described as 'relentless'. 'It should be taken in context of the phrase for you see, it is so multifaceted it can really amaze.' Not to be taken to literally or serious, It is only meant for a certain Ed to sound...mysterious. Came across it one day while going to school, My thoughts wandering, swirling, starting to pool. 'What if I could have a sound that was cute as can be, so that others my emotion could hear, rather than see?' And there you have it, pure in poetic justice and prose, the origin from which the little 'erf' arose. So all together, lets try it again, its not 'mmwrf', but rather the cutsie doggy sound, thats called 'ERF!'!