some thoughts on linux by viper/Serenity

- People resist change, it's natural.

Linux is a free Unix like os created by Linus Torvalds in the early 90s. What set linux apart from other commercial operating systems like Windows/Dos + UNIX (sco and other vendors) was price. It's FREE. The whole aim was to create a OS that had an open source paradigm. This enabled users from all over the world to contribute to the effort. This meant that bugs and problems were sorted out in days/ hours compared to months/years. And best of all you could do this for free.

- I've tried linux and it sux!

I just snigger at ppl when they reply with the above statement. I find that people are quick to judge somthing they don't understand. The Unix/Linux design has a central kernel with modular components like GUI ( user interface ), sound + networking. There have been efforts to make the OS more user friendly by changing the GUI. But remember it's not linux, it's *one* way to manage the system. This has been it's strength and downfall in the GUI-age.

- Linux and demos, you crazy?

Linux could become an ideal platform for demos. As mentioned before the design allows us to interface in various ways with the kernel. We could change the kernel to give us certain resources only for use in demos. This of course is not useful if you use you're pc for more than just demos. But then again you can run more than one kernel. You could have a powerhouse kernel for a web/database server or a small fast one for games and demos. There have been many new cross platform libs like SDL and PTC that makes it easy to create programs that run on both windows/dos and linux/Unix. I believe this is the future of gaming and demos. Have a look at what iD software creators of Doom and Quake have done. They have created a good codebase that's easy to port to Unix or any other os. It won't be strange to see games for linux in the next few months ... anyone played quake3 under linux yet?

- Learning curve?

As with most things you have to learn what you don't understand. Linux is based on Unix and shares it's good and bad points. Good networking but a steep learning curve. But it's not that hard and programmers find themselves at home faster. Remeber that Unix was created by programmers for programmers. Things change and many new projects make it child's play.

- Software, What's out there?

Well since there are so many developers out there that contribute to the linux effort hundreds of free programs get released daily. Because most of the programs conform to the open source paradigm, you can also contribute. Have a look at

- Linux Demos where do I start?

I would suggest getting a lib like SDL or PTC. With you linux distribution you should get a compiler ( gcc ). Read the help provided in the /usr/doc directory. Learn how to use the linux help system ( man printf ).

- Why should I use Linux?

As with most things in life you should use the right tool for the job. Linux is kinda like a swiss army knife, you can use it for many jobs. It might be a bit daunting, but as soon as you get you're feet wet you won't turn back.

linux enjoy the ride, feel free to drop me a line/comment