Our government is founded on the belief that all of the people under that government should be free. Free to say and think what we wish to. Now that may change. The Internet has become part of popular culture, A part that our government wishes to control. They wish to stop the transfer of what they consider immoral material from being transferred over the network. If they succeed in deciding what the morals of the millions of people who will begin using the network in the near future should be they will have violated one of the basic and most important rights we as a sentient race have. They will have stopped us from choosing for ourselves what is right and wrong, good and evil. Will you let another tell you that you cannot look at a photograph of a naked person, Or that you may only say certain things, or perhaps certain ideas are not to be discussed. In `a clockwork orange' The need for this freedom was shown quite well. It said if a man is not given a choice between right and wrong is not moral nor immoral but simply a machine or a clockwork orange. -Blue Glucose.