To apply to be an Official Loser please fill out the file "LOSREG.APP" when you are done reading the E-Mag and follow directions from there! as an "official" member of the LoSeR society, you will recieve "Sex With Sheep"* an interesting magazine, mailed directly to your e-mail address. also you will recieve a personalized "oFFiCiaL LoSeR" keychain via "snail mail". but only if you fill out the registration form, and you can only recieve the SWS keychain after we have recieved the small $5.00 donation that barely pays for materials and shipping. Submissions in the form of articles, poems, ansis, or anything that are published in SWS or the LoSeR newsletter will get you into the LoSeR society, and you can get the keychain for half price. *sex with sheep is a zine, it does not promote sex with animals. If you, or someone you love has a problem with not being able to keep your sick hands (among other things) away from fondling animals, please get help. Not that we here at SWS have a problem with sodomy, this is just legal shit. thank you, and good night.