ÄÍðFNoRPðÍÄ FNORP, or how i learned to shut up or stop buying plastic eating utinsels and toasters. It was a toaster. jfk is dead in the streets, or is he? Bill clinton- former faith healer turned President.. So yesterday was a day for rebels who did antisocial stuff and for every rebelious generation, the next one gets more over blown so they can rebel against former rebellers. You following this? Are you followin' me? You are? Get away, I have a GUN!! Any wayz, Toasters. They are actually observationals. Who am I kidding? A toaster is simply the next big culturally "cool" item. just watch. Popular people will go insane and begin to worship toasters. Well, next thing you know, everyone is doing it. THe pHable of Phil Phil bought a toaster. He fell for the cultural icons and he became cool. But he LIKED the whole "toaster" fad too much and wouldn't let go of it after the "fad" ended.. voila! Phil become untrendy, as if he were still wearing trendy 80's garb and becomes ostrasized. He realizes his untrendiness has left him no longer a part of this world, so he kills himself and an entire school full of "cool" and trendy teens. The moral of this fable is: If they start to popularize toasters, stay away from school. (don't buy into fads, they suck.)