First Part of Continuing Short Story Lock Jaw the journal... Journal entry 0124.6 date this entry will be short today...the group is under heavy fire...the last trasmission took us to an unkown time out here in this wasteland...i don't know how many ppl from the posse are missing... appearantly the time bubble that T.R.A.S.C. created overloaded...half the team ended up here in the middle of some battlefield, the other half is gone... presumed dead...damn there's gonna be hell to pay when i get back...if i get back...being missions commander for this team has a lot of perks and responibilities...the toughest of which is telling some rookies' wives and kids that they'll never see there loved one again and never really know why or how he/she comes someone...COMPUTER PAUSE Journal entry 0124.7 date that was weapons specialist mcClean...he was examining a dead body in this foxhole and beleives we are in a conflict in france during WWII...i just hope the damn gurus at the lab can track us down and bring us home bfore anyone gets hit by one of these primitave weapons... the record i really wish i could take on of these guns we found back...projectile weaponry having been outlawed this little fella here would make a great deal of money...legally as a antique or even more on the black market... having seen the mass decay in these bodies i would assume the battle goes bad for either of these guys is german...i am just glad none of them were alive when we got here or i'd be in a REAL trouble, protocol demands several things...rule one, never disrupt events in the past; this could destroy an entire world without any of us knowing it...rule two, never allow knowledge of our existance to anyone prior to the year 2039 when the first space-time carrier wave was discovered...that would have been a catch 22 for sure...ughh ohh..i'm getting a time fix...i guess T.R.A.S.C. wasn't so far off this time...theres a ripple forming...COMPUTER EXIT Command report 00659 date <2074> six members of the team died...two of them were rookies...appearantley t-bo overloaded and scattered them...the techie squad running the computer didn't notice it till the third transport ring had the time they programmed in a definate send point to send the rest of us 3 more had fired... its a tuff job...knowing that every time you go out on a mission...before you even meet the bad guy there's always a chance of having your atoms scattered accross the space-time continuim...we followed protocol and were commended, i am glad that the rescue team got a fix on us and came before anyone else died...half a team lost in a mission that was a failure and i still get a damn medal...the worlds a screwy place...I'd change it but don't have the time...the backup team did manage to track down the guy we were supposed to get...the protectarate decided to make a big show of him and drag him through the streets...i hate those propaganda pushers...the secretariate disaproved over this of course but since they have no real jurisdiction over time faders they had to sit back and pretend to be appauled...buerocrats bug me too...the fraggers just do it for reappointment by the emperial class...pisses me off...looks like i'll be getting six more rookies out of the crop camps... appearantley they'll be outfitted with automatic cloak...its some new experiment...if you ask me i still prefer the swords and sheilds of the fuedal age...more honor than sending a genetic robot back in time to kill your great grandfather in his sleep...we ship out again the day after tommorrow...some guy has fucked up a highlands community in scotland and we have to get there the precise second he does to stop any interferance he had planned...looks like another shoot first ask questions later mission...will report in as soon as possible...cryos begins in five...COMPUTER EXIT To Be Continued... in the next issue...