About SwS Kurdtis :WELCOME: Welcome to the first issue of SWS. SWS is the creation of a few guys who were frustrated with the ideals set up by "the system." Although we do not know "who" the system is, we are sure that we don't like "them." With that in mind, let me tell you how we came to be. :BEGINNINGS: In the beginning, there were computers. As people grew and began to harness their power, it was felt among a select few, that these machines of information should be the home of an electronic magazine. A magazine so great it could almost be called mediocre. A zine of such magnitude and power, that if one were to have it on their hard drive long enough, they might read it. So, CHuNK[CK] said to me, "you know, we should start a group." i told him that would be silly as we would not be able to release anything because we suck. Then he said to me, "let's draw ansi's." I again told him how dumb that would be and he left me alone. (Not that ansi's are dumb, i just dont have the time) A day or two passed when i heard the phone ring and was pleased to hear the sound of CHuNk's jolly voice screaming in my ear, "MAN, I GOT THIS TOTALLY HARD-CORE IDEA!" i promptly asked what it was so he would not forget it. He said "Since we can't start a group or draw ansi's, let's start an E-mag!" I admit, i was skeptical a first, but as i mused over the complexity of CHuNk's inferior brain, i thought we just might be able to pull it off. The first thing that occured to me was that we were going to need some writers. I immediately got on the other line and called La VaCa who revealed to me that he would be pleased to write for such an audacious mag. In fact, it was he who came up with the name. I, the great Ã<ȾâDÅ­$[kd] immediately initiated him and bade that he swear the oath that was set by the great KD. :PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER & LEGAL SHIT: If you're reading this, then i guess that either (A) the guy who coded it did a good job, or (B) we released it as a text file because some incompetent fool couldn't code a phucking text reader and you, the reader, are reading it with your favorite text editor. Speaking of editors, This file may be distributed in its entirety and may not be changed except for private use on 1 monitor belonging to 1 computer with 1 hard drive on 1 desk in 1 house on 1 street in 1 city in 1 state in 1 country on 1 continent surrounded by 2 or more oceans on 1 planet and ONLY with written permission obtained by either KD or CK at the email address (kurdtis@neonate.atl.ga.us) or (pitt@neonate.atl.ga.us) respectively. Sorry fer that legal mumbo-jumbo, but it must be said so as not to become another victim of "the system". Enjoy. -Ã<ȾâDÅ­$