The TRiP! ReadMe ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1.0 System Requirements 1.1 Known Problems 1.2 Bug detected ? 2.0 FileList LATEST NEWS ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Sorry for the delay... we got some troubles, dupont send us a xm sound file but the trip player dosent support xm, sad eH? so.. we wont just rip a song like last time thats why we search and tataa we found: sweeper is the composer of the trip7 track... so when you are a composer PLEES send us a S3M or MOD file ( would be g8! ok enjoy now the mag! 1.0 System Requirements ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ The TRiP! Engine runs under DOS 6.2. We can't guarantee that the Engine runs properly under other Operating Systems like Win95/97 or even NT. The Scrolling Part may look terrible !!! Read the little chapter below about known Problems in Microsoft O-Systems. 1.1 Known Problems ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ * When starting TRiP! in a DOS-Shell in WindowsNT 4.0 there is a problem with the AutoScan Function of sum Monitor/GFX Card Combinations. (First seen on a AOC Screen and a S3 TRiO 64V+ 2mb Card). Under DOS the Error never occured. * Also in the NT Shell the Engine gives an output like "running internal subfile" when exitting. 1.2 Other Informations ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ If there is an Error in the TRiP! Engine we didn't see, just give us a mail at (He's GUILTY !! All others are innocent !!! ;) 2.0 FileList ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ The TRiP! Package comes with the following files inside trip7.exe (The Engine) trip7.s3m (hmmm..) (The ReadMe) file_id.diz (The eh?) All other files you found in this package were not added by one of us. 2.1 Guarantee ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ As we said above, we do not guarantee for ANYTHING ! Start the Executable at your own risk ! We are not responsible for any damage done to your Monitor, HardDisk or your Head !! 2.2 Greetings ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ The TRiP! Staff sends Greetings to the following sceners (unsorted!) : Fred, Zaphod, Cyberpunk, Zengo, Chicken, Maverick (how's belgium?), j-freak, Iquito, Furball, Gumball, Pfuusus, Turbo, Sweeper, Trance, Cockroach, Viper/D, Radio24, Dice, Diver, Nefor, Bastel, Mr.Spliff, Hollowman, Frop, Dupont, Sweeper.. and all the others we forgot... The TRiP! Staff