HOW TO USE THE INTERFACE ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1. Introduction ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Here it is, the manual to this nearly endless supply of underground scene-information called TUHBZine (hey, we worked hard to get the product finished, may we please be a little bit overly proud of it? *grin*). This document will make use of ascii-art only, so no fancy pictures of buttons and all. Why not? Two reasons: first of all, I am too lazy to do it. Second? Well, I am also too lazy to tell you the second reason, nah! Do note that the information below is just a short overview, not every single function and key of the interface is explained. Just go ahead and play with it, it is not exactly hard to grasp. We hope. 2. General ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Well, actually there is just one button in the interface that has roughly the same use throughout the program. So here it is. ÚÄÄÄ¿ These little button allows you to page through the 3 ³  ³ different available tunes. When using the keyboard ÀÄÄÄÙ instead, any of the three tunes can be directly selected by pressing the F1 - F3 keys. 3. Main Menu ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ First thing you might notice in the main menu is the selection-bar, which, miraculously, shows what article is currently select. Now wasn't that a splendid example of original GUI design? Thank you, thank you. þ On the right side of the screen you see this nice little position indicator. Please not that "indicator" means exactly that, you can not drag it or anything. Why not? Well, one way of using it would be let it scroll the menu up and down... but then what about the selection-bar? The other way of using it would be moving the selection-bar up and down using the scroll-indicator which I think is ridiculous. So there it is, just an indicator, nothing more.  These buttons allow you to page through the list of  articles, thus selecting the article of your choice. The shortkeys are the UP and DOWN arrow keys. ÚÄÄÄ¿ This button enters the currently selected article, and ³  ³ can be accessed via the keyboard through the ENTER ÀÄÄÄÙ shortkey. If you insist on being one of those mouse-jockeys, you can also access any article by simply clicking on it. ÚÄÄÄÄ¿ Ooh, and you know what, this buttons doesn't do ³ÚÄÄ¿³ anything here. Try it. It won't work. So what would you ÀÁÄÁÁÙ like it to do? Save the menu? Sure. ÚÄÄÄ¿ Hey, this button doesn't do anything here either... ³ X ³ well, actually it does, but I'd rather have you not try ÀÄÄÄÙ it... Ok ok, enough already, it quits the tuhbzine and puts you back into your operation system *grmbl*. This terrible deed can even be performed pressing the Q button on your keyboard. 4. Article viewer ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Hey, what do you know, the selection bar has gone. Why? Because we are reading an article, not making a selection. Please stop me if you feel I am getting redundant. These buttons now allow you to scroll the currently  selected article up and down. Shortkeys are again the UP  and DOWN arrow keys. If you are in a hurry you can also click anywhere on the scrollbar to quickly go there. ÚÄÄÄ¿ Sure, you are reading an article and from here you want ³  ³ to enter the article, now that makes sense. Not. So that ÀÄÄÄÙ is why this buttons does nothing, nada, niente here. Have fun trying it anyway, though. ÚÄÄÄÄ¿ This button exports any files attached to the current ³ÚÄÄ¿³ article to disk. Often this will only be the ascii-text ÀÁÄÁÁÙ version of the article. The shortkey for this button is 'S'. 'S' for satisfaction... or save, whatever you like. ÚÄÄÄ¿ Once you are done reading an article, this buttons takes ³ X ³ you back to the main menu. This action can also be ÀÄÄÄÙ invoked by pressing the 'B' button on the keyboard. 4. In Conclusion ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Well, I can only say I hope you enjoy working with our interface. If you have any comments (well, comments that make sense that is, don't go bombing my mailbox with messages saying "I want hyperlinks! [EOF]"), don't hesitate to mail us. In the future the interface will be changed anyway, so any original insights are more than welcome. Enjoy yar stay, - The Watcher, June 1999 " Q. Hey, everytime I press Q my computer hangs, now what? A. Just don't press Q. Idiot. "