THE OFFICIAL VOTING FORM of FUTURE CREW'S DISKMAGAZINE -=>)] T H E W O R L D C H A R T S [(<=- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fill this textfile out and send it back to us and you will find your name in the Voters List in the next issue of our diskmag. And remember, you will have to fill at least 5 entries on the demo and group charts and 3 entries on the coders, musicians and graphics men, otherwise your vote will not be used and you will not be in the Voters List. By doing this we are trying to avoid getting only a huge pile of crap votes. So, please, take your time and try to fill out the entries as well as you can. And since this is the PC scene we are at, do not vote for any Amiga/Atari ST/C-64/other people or stuff, only PC. You have several ways to send in your vote: Via FAX: +358-0-420 8620, GORE / FC By mail: GORE / Future Crew Hiiralantie 27 A 02160 Espoo, FINLAND To our WHQ: Starport - FC WHQ BBS Node 1: +358-0-8044626, HST/V32b Node 2: +358-0-8041133, V22b/MNP 5 SysOp: Abyss / FC Via E-mail: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Your handle or real name : Your job description : Group or company : City and country : Date answered : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOP 10 demos: ************* Demo name: Group: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOP 10 groups: ************** 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOP 10 coders: ************** Coder's name: Group: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOP 10 musicians: ***************** Musician's name: Group: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOP 10 graphics artists: ************************ Graphician's name: Group: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOP 10 games: ************* Game: Publisher and/or author: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ßßßßÛßßßß Û Û ÜÛßßßßßÛÜ ÛßßßßßÛÜ Û Û Û Û ÜÛßßßßÛÜ Û Û Û ÛÜÜÜÜÜÜÛ ÛÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÛ Û Û ÛÜÜÜÜÛßß ßÛÜÜÜÜÜÛß Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û ßßÛ Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û ßÛÜÜÜÜÛß ßÛÜÜÜÜÛß °±²ÛÛÛÛÛÛ F O R Y O U R C O - O P E R A T I O N ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛGORE/FCÛ²±° -------------------------------------------------------------------------------