This file is a skin for the WildMag Interface. It's syntax is similar to html, so it shouldn't be too hard to understand. Every item, for example "s_back" can have several parameters, each consisting of a name and a value. Values can be either strings, decimal numbers or hexadecimal numbers. Strings may be written with or without qoutation marks, they are only required if the string contains spaces. Strings should not begin with numbers, it might work but it is not guaranteed. Numbers must not contain spaces, so you also don't need quotation marks. If you want to use hexadecimal numbers, just write a "#" in front of it, see the "s_color" item for examples. MAIN #Background Default: This is the image that's displayed as default background. Activated: The buttons are overdrawn with this image if they're activated. Note: All buttons are activated when you move the mouse cursor over them except the "cd" button which shows wether the cd system is actually playing. #Fonts Default: This font is used for all html-texts. TT: The "TeleType"-font should have a fixed width since it's used for plain text files and "tt"- or "pre"-formatted html paragraphs. Default: This is the default color for all texts. Link: Links are drawn using this color. #Mouse Default: The default mouse cursor. Link: The mouse cursor that is shown while pointing to a link or a button. #Music All "pl"-values are added to the playlist in order of appearance. WINDOWS All windows and buttons are declared as recangular areas where (x1/y1) is the upper left and (x2/y2) is the lower right corner. #Text This is the main text window. The file title will be displayed here. You may define alignment using the "align" parameter with one of the following values: "left", "right", "center". This is the scroll bar. It's generated by inverting the pixels, so no additional image is required. #URL / quick help The quick help or url will appear in this area. BUTTONS #General This button quits WildMag. This buttons shows the help file. #Navigation Previous/next line, equals the cursor-up and cursor-down keys. Previous/next page, equals the page-up/page-down keys. These buttons navigate through the history of recently loaded pages, just use them as those in your favourite browser. #Music Play/Stop current song. Jump to the next song. Activate/deactivate CD player.