  With stepwise enlarging of the unblocked contents up to free surfing without supervision, the students will learn the responsible handling with the Internet. The teacher is responsible again and not any software.   Home
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SaferSurf School is offered in two versions for usage. SaferSurf in-a-box is an already preconfigured complete system. The software version of SaferSurf School makes a security server out of a computer. Administration and operation is as easy as winking. All functions are available in an ordinary (Internet-)browser. Installation of auxiliary software is not applicable.

Internet in class
Teachers or other responsible persons specify which Internet-addresses can be dialled:

  • for every subject
  • for every stage of life
  • for special project works
Students can suggest relevant addresses to be released and the teacher can release them after testing it. It is even possible to change Internet-addresses with each other. Several computers, for example at the secretary have unrestricted access to the Internet.

You'll find more information about SaferSurf School at im Internet.

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