Nevron .NET Vision

Nevron .NET Vision is the ultimate suite for creating unique
and powerful data presentation applications with spectacular data
visualization capabilities. Flexible and extensible, it delivers powerful
Charting, Diagramming and User Interface components for Windows Forms and
ASP.NET with rich functionality and exceptional features, bringing
significant technological advantage to your applications. The carefully
designed object model and unmatched "out-of-the-box" presentation quality
make Nevron .NET Vision an award-winning component suite.
Nevron Chart for .NET

Nevron Chart for .NET has been designed from the ground up to
be extensible, efficient and feature rich. This allows it to wrap a vast
amount of features in an intuitive and straightforward programming model.
The component can display virtually any 2D or 3D chart including: Bar, Line,
Step Line, Area, Pie, Point, Bubble, Stock, Floating Bar, Radar, Polar, High
Low, Mesh Surface, Grid Surface, Shape, Smooth Line, Float Bar, Venn and
Error with many variations (like Scatter XY and XYZ Line, Stacked Bars
Other charting features include scrollable axes, integrated legend, chart
annotations, watermarks and a very extensible chart layout manager. Nevron
Chart has support for WinForms and ASP.NET (AJAX enabled).
The component features full Visual Studio design time support with many
advanced features like style editors, allowing you to quickly modify the
chart only using its visual interface.
Nevron Diagram for .NET

Nevron Diagram for .NET is a fully managed, extensible and
powerful diagramming framework, which can help you create feature rich
diagramming solutions in WinForms and WebForms. The product is built on top
of the Nevron Presentation Framework and thus provides you with advanced
capabilities for stunning visual impact, which you will not find in any
other product - including commercial standalone diagramming applications.
Nevron Diagram for .NET has been carefully designed to meet a vast amount of
customization requests. It has an excellent object model and its API has
been thoroughly refined to be as native and intuitive as possible. The
product itself utilizes a large set of modern design patterns, which ensures
its scalability.
Nevron User Interface for .NET

Nevron User Interface for .NET is the only suite on the market
with such remarkable render quality and speed. Explore a rich and powerful
docking library, professional and extensible command bars and unique
features like skinnable forms, rich-text labels, modern fill effects (glass,
gel), designed to bring to your .NET applications the latest GUI standards
and technologies. The suite introduces lots of modern custom controls such
as MS Outlook 2003 Navigation Pane, Windows XP Explorer Bar and a complete
set of extended Windows Forms controls, making it easy to create a
distinguished, stylish and modern end-user presentation layer.