Investigating the SketchFlow Map Panel
In this section, you investigate the SketchFlow Map panel a little further. In this example, there are a dozen screens. You can think of each screen as a virtual whiteboard where you can draw, write, or use pre-built shapes and pre-built user controls using the Sketchflow tools.
Included in the SketchFlow Map panel are tools that can be used to create a SketchFlow map. A. Zoom date. B. Undo. C. Redo. D. Create a screen. E. Create a Component screen. F. Remove selection. G. Fit all. H. Fit selection.
I. Show navigation dimmed. J. Show Components dimmed.
Double-click LiveChat in the SketchFlow Map panel. The LiveChat.xaml window appears.
Open the LiveChat screen.
Notice the intentional hand-drawn sketch look of a SketchFlow project, anyone seeing the prototype intuitively understands that this is a wireframe. The complete focus on the workflow actually encourages feedback because there are no visual cues to get in the way.
The SketchFlow controls used to build elements such as windows, buttons, and form elements have a default hand-drawn style. Traditionally, prototypes done in graphic editing programs are designed from scratch, no matter how generic the designer attempts to make the user interface elements; they use certain colors, shapes and fonts. Upon seeing this style of prototype, clients will often focus too early on these details rather than the overall concepts of the application.
Double-click the Community screen to see that SketchFlow is not meant to totally replace hand-drawn sketches. On this screen, you can see that a hand-drawn sketch was scanned in and placed on this screen.
The Prototype Workflow in SketchFlow: Feedback and Evolution
The entire workflow of working with SketchFlow involves an authoring side (usually a designer or developer) and the feedback side (a client or team member). The goal of prototypes is to provide a structure that allows multiple parties to contribute to the evolution of a project through a cycle of feedback and development.
SketchFlow Authoring
Authoring SketchFlow projects takes place in Expression Blend, and at its most basic, involves the creation of one or more navigation screens. Connections between these navigation screens are created by the author. An example of a typical project might be a workflow for a form submission:
Notice that in the SketchFlow map there are two types of screens. Screens can have outgoing connections, ingoing connections or no connections at all. Then there are also Components. Components are reusable elements. Any changes made to a Component will be reflected throughout the screens.
Double-click the navbar Component to reveal the elements on its screen.
Components are indicated in green.
Using the Type tool from the Tools panel, click and drag over the Community text to highlight it.
Type Visit us to replace the Community text.
Double-click the Bindings screen, and note that the navbar Component has been updated on that page.