It is a pleasure for me to see, that your way has finally crossed my graveyard. My name is Thomas Richter, founder and keeper of this gloomy place. Don't be afraid! Every grave may be opened, even without my permission, but all relics must remain at their origin place. For now some information about myself:
The first day I have come to enter the light of this world, was the 28th of May in the year 1974 (official). There isn't much to say about my childhood, only that I have fallen often onto my head. While I have spent the most time of my youth in the nice northern part of Germany (Varel, near Oldenburg), the useness computer give me has becoming more and more interesting. It all began with an Atari VCS2600, a simple game-console with primitive graphical facilities. Like many other people on this planet, I too haven't been spared by the C64-boom. After a short time, there have been some special game-genres which crystallized out of the masses. Role-Playing-Games and Adventures are my absolute favourites. And so I also started with tabletop-RPGs like AD&D, Shadowrun, Midgard, Das Schwarze Auge and the trading-card-game Magic the Gathering.
As the Amiga 500 entered the realms of computing, I have bought one, of course. The enthusiasm for an Amiga hasn't been so high for a long time, so the first PC had to come. I needed it bad, not only for professional purposes. After solving the examination of an economical school (computer-orientated), I have solved the examination of the Fachoberschule Wirtschaft, too (sorry, don't know how to call it in english). But what should I do now with my PC-enthusiasm? So I first went to the army (unfortunately), coz' it was my duty. Call it luck or the will of god (god???): After one year at the army, I got the job of my dreams called staffwriter for a computer magazine. For now I still work for the Tronic publishing company as a game-tester at the editorial office of the PC Spiel-magazine.
But there are of course not only computers in my life. I really like special music-styles like Electronic Body
Music (EBM), Dark-Electro or Industrial. What? EBM? Well, have a look under the gravestones and
you will be pretty informed about all of what I personally like.
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