Summary of changes in FoxPro 2.6a --------------------------------- Title IMPORT Lotus 2.2 WK1 file creates structure where all field lengths = 9 Details Importing a Lotus WK1 worksheet file into FoxPro 2.5 (same thing happens in 2.5a) creates a database structure with all of the field lengths as 9 instead of the column width from the worksheet. Title ON ERROR procedure to trap a disk error results in "Feature not Details Use of an ON ERROR routine to trap disk errors results in "Feature not available" error during subsequent string assignment. To reproduce, run the following program, being sure there is no floppy in the A: drive. When prompted to place a floppy disk in drive A:, ignore the request and simply press Enter: on error do ERRHANDL use customer wait window "Please insert floppy in drive A:" if file("A:CUSTOMER.DBF") append from A:CUSTOMER else wait window "Unable to process request at this time" endif on error mtest = space(90) procedure ERRHANDL if error() = 1002 wait window "An IO operation failure has occurred" endif return The error "Feature not available" will occur on the line: mtest = space(90) We appear to be unable to assign a string longer than about 75 characters after the ON ERROR routine. Title SHOW GETS causes error Details This code causes a consistent, reproducable GPF, every time I run in in FPW 2.5a The GPF does not occur if SHOW GETS is removed from PROCEDURE display CREATE TABLE test (one C (30)) INSERT INTO test (one) VALUES ("Los Angeles") INSERT INTO test (one) VALUES ("San Diego") INSERT INTO test (one) VALUES ("New York") INSERT INTO test (one) VALUES ("Bellevue") INSERT INTO test (one) VALUES ("Seattle") INSERT INTO test (one) VALUES ("Redmond") INSERT INTO test (one) VALUES ("Detroit") INSERT INTO test (one) VALUES ("Miami") INSERT INTO test (one) VALUES ("San Francisco") INSERT INTO test (one) VALUES ("Houston") INSERT INTO test (one) VALUES ("Minneapolis") INSERT INTO test (one) VALUES ("Boston") INSERT INTO test (one) VALUES ("Kansas City") INSERT INTO test (one) VALUES ("West Palm Beach") DEFINE POPUP new ; PROMPT FIELD display() ; SCROLL lchoice = 1 @ 1.000,2.571 GET lchoice ; PICTURE "@&N" ; POPUP new ; SIZE 9.000,83.857 ; FONT "MS Sans Serif", 8 READ RELEASE POPUPS new CLOSE ALL PROCEDURE DISPLAY rtxt = one SHOW GETS RETURN rtxt ----------- This code will now run ok or produce an "Insufficient stack space" error , but should not crash. Title Error in GENXTAB.PRG when encounters a "?" When creating a cross tab table with RQBE and the data has a "?" in the field that is going to become a fieldname you will get the following two error messages depending on if the question mark is alone or has other alpha characters with it. The"?" in a field by itself causes FoxPro to come up with the following error: Line No.: 399 Program GENXTAB Error: Unrecognized Phrase/Keyword in command. Source: REPLACE (m.f2) WITH &f2 + m.f3 If your data is alpha and a question mark (i.e. "B?C") then the following error message will occur: Line No.: 339 Program GENXTAB Error: Invalid or duplicate field name. Source: CREATE CURSOR (outfname) FROM ARRAY outarray Title SET PDSETUP TO <certain DOS printer drivers> causes GP Fault Details Using certain DOS printer driver setups in the Windows product causes GP Faults. To reproduce: 1) Start Foxpro 2.5 for DOS. 2) SET RESOUCE TO your Foxpro Windows resource file 3) Create a printer driver for each of the following printers: a) Brother HL-4 b) Brother HL-8 c) HP Deskjet Plus d) HP LJ II (60 lpp) e) HP Laserjet 500/+/II f) HP Laserjet III g) Olivetti JP150 h) Olivetti JP350S 4) Exit Foxpro DOS, and start Foxpro Windows 5) SET RESOURCE TO the resource file to which we just added printer drivers 6) SET PDSETUP TO <any of the printer drivers in the list> 7) Issue a command such as LIST STATUS TO PRINT, LIST STRUCTURE TO PRINT, REPORT FORM <whatever> TO PRINT that sends output to the printer 8) The error message: "FOXPROW caused a GP Fault in module DRIVER2.FLL" will be issued Fixed, except GPF still comes in module LZEXPAND.DLL at 000B:00D1. Title Internal Consistency Error w/ Relationship Details If the following program is executed, the resulting error will be "Internal consistency error". This happens in the standard and extended versions of 2.5, 2.5a, and 2.5b. In the standard version, the user gets a "cancel" button. In the extended version, the lower part of the screen turns red w/ the error message and many other random characters, and the machine is hung. CLEAR ALL SELECT A USE tutorial\invoices INDEX ON salesman TAG salesman SELECT B USE tutorial\salesman ORDER salesman INDEX ON salesman TAG salesman SELECT A SET RELATION TO salesman INTO salesman BROWSE NOWAIT SELECT B BROWSE NOWAIT MODIFY MEMO notes NOWAIT MODIFY FILE test.txt NOWAIT && this file does not have to exist KEYBOARD "{ctrl+f1}" KEYBOARD "{ctrl+f1}" KEYBOARD "{ctrl+f1}" KEYBOARD "{ctrl+f1}" *in some cases, you may need to cycle a few more times before getting the error *but it will occur eventually if the relationship is set. If the relationship is *not* set or the text file is not modified, the error does not occur, and the cycling through the windows works as expected. Title Issuing FONTMETRIC() repeatedly may cause error Title SELECT ... UNION produces unexpected output Details The UNION clause of the SELECT statement can cause unexpected output under certain circumstances. Executing the following code will demonstrate this problem: CREATE TABLE test1 (one c(1), two c(1), three c(1)) INSERT INTO test1 VALUES ('a','b','c') CREATE TABLE test2 (one c(1), two c(1), three c(1)) INSERT INTO test2 VALUES ('a','b','c') * Notice the output produced by this SELECT statement, which includes * the clause "UNION ALL" SELECT one,two,three FROM test1 UNION ALL ; SELECT one,one,three FROM test2 TO SCREEN ONE TWO THREE a b c a a c * Notice the output produced by this SELECT statement, which includes * the clause "UNION" It is different from the output produced by the * previous SELECT statement which includes the clause "UNION ALL" SELECT one,two,three FROM test1 UNION ; SELECT one,one,three FROM test2 TO SCREEN TWO_A TWO_B THREE a a c b b c To compare FoxPro's interpretation of the second SELECT statement with SQL Server's implementation, the following code was executed on Microsoft SQL Server for Windows NT. This test was executed by placing the code shown below in the "query window" of Microsoft ISQL/W query utility that ships with MS SQL Server for Windows NT. CREATE TABLE test1 (one char(1), two char(1), three char(1)) INSERT INTO test1 VALUES ('a','b','c') CREATE TABLE test2 (one char(1), two char(1), three char(1)) INSERT INTO test2 VALUES ('a','b','c') SELECT one,two,three FROM test1 UNION ALL SELECT one,one,three FROM test2 one two three --- --- ----- a b c a a c SELECT one,two,three FROM test1 UNION SELECT one,one,three FROM test2 one two three --- --- ----- a a c a b c The results produced by Microsoft SQL Server for Windows NT is different from the code produced by FoxPro. Title GENXTAB loses data when STR() is used. Details GENXTAB loses the Cross Tab data when STR(<third field>) is specified as the third field in the query. (The third field is numeric) The following comes in through Compuserve from Andy Neil. **** To replicate: Structure for table: c:\temp\test.dbf Field Field Name Type Width Dec Index Collate 1 MYROWS Character 3 2 MYCOLS Character 3 3 MYCELL Numeric 3 Values: MYROWS MYCOLS MYCELL A A 1 A B 2 A C 3 B A 4 B B 5 B C 6 Run a basic cross-tab against this, get 2 rows, 3 cols, all cells have appropriate values. Run with STR(MYCELL) as the cell column and get 2 rows, 3 cols, all cells blank/empty. ??? Title Setting printer driver to Postscript and page size to A3 or 8.5X12 Details By setting the printer driver in Fox 2.5,2.5a,2.5b to Postscript and selecting page size A3 or 8.5x12 you will get the following message: wait window saying "Source is not available and a red msg box saying "variable HORIZPTS not found" Title FULLPATH() in .APP returns invalid information Details When FOX loads the .APP it allocates a handle for the .APP and when it executes the FULLPATH("TEST.APP") Fox has a handle to this file therefore it returns the program that is currently running which is the .MPX. Title SET('keycomp') in DOS Details SET('keycomp') gives invalid set expression in DOS. It works fine in Windows. Title Print range incorrect with stretched Group Footer field Details Trying to print a subset of pages from a report by selecting a Print Range/Pages from the Printer Prompt Dialog gives incorrect results if there is a field in a Group footer that is set to stretch. Title @ SCROLL in dBASE not supported in FoxPro Details dBASE has a command @ <row1>,<col1> TO <row2>,<col2> SCROLL [UP/DOWN/LEFT/RIGHT] [BY <expN>] [WRAP] We give errors on this command in FoxPro. . Title FLDLIST() with calculated fields Details When you SET FIELDS TO a calculated field and check FLDLIST() the results area different in DOS and Windows. The alias name for a field on the right side of a calculated fields will return all upper in DOS and only the first letter is upper in Windows. This is similar to the NORMALIZE() function that we changed to do all upper on both Windows and DOS. Title TRANSPRT.PRG Converter message from dBASE report Details wrong error message. 1) REPORT FORM f:\samples\psdbase\offices.frm (f: is \\foxvend1\wizards) --> "You must modify this dBASE IV file through the Catalog Manager" in WAIT WINDOW 2) REPORT FORM f:\samples\sbt\glbudg.frm --> "Convert FoxBASE+ report file to FoxPro 2.5 format?" in Converter message window. Title ON SHUTDOWN produces error Details The ON SHUTDOWN command produces a SYNTAX error when compiled or executed in FPD26. Title As in dBASE, a variable is not created as part of an ON KEY/ERROR Details In dBASE if you run the following program, x will be assigned whatever is in MESSAGE() CLEAR ALL ON ERROR x=MESSAGE() zzzzzz ON ERROR ?x In FP, error is x is not defined. ------- fixed Title When FP migrates a dBASE label, it seems to ignore the "T" picture Details When FoxPro migrates a dBASE label, it seems to ignore the "T" picture function that may be specified on a field on a dBASE label (Reports work fine. An example would be to convert the "NameTags" label in the dbase\samples directory (can be found on \\foxhole\foxnet!db4). Title SET CPCOMPILE and invalid code page If you try to set CPCOMPILE to an invalid code page, SET('CPCOMPILE') will be 0 which is an invalid code page. Title #if and #endif different from Dbase. Details #DEFINE d 1 #IFDEF d ? "test" #ENDIF Will work fine in both dbase and foxpro. #IFDEF d ? "test" #ENDIF This will work properly in dbase and not ? "test" in foxpro we will still do the code. Title Reproducible case of "Feature not available" during ON ERROR handling Details the error "Feature not available" occurs during an ON ERROR routine at various times Title LOAD <name> FUNCTION produces compiler error Details The command: LOAD test FUNCTION will produce a compiler error: Unrecognized phrase/keyword in command. Title Problem with Report Writer Text Tool Details STEPS TO REPRODUCE: 1) Modify Report <any>, old or new. 2) Double Click on Text Tool. The "A" becomes reverse video indicating you are in multiple object mode. 3) Click in the Detail Line region to establish a starting point for text. 4) Rather than entering text, click on the vertical adjustment button of the Page Header bar, just above the detail region, and pull the Page Header bar down over the Detail region. 5) Release the mouse button for a GPF. It will occur anytime you move the bar above the region the cursor is in; whether you move it up or down, and whether or not you have entered text yet. Moving the bar below the cursor appears safe. Title .MDX conversion doesn't support different block sizes. Details 1) USE IBLOCK3.DBF, MDX or IBLOCK63.*. These tables were created after doing a SET IBLOCK TO 3 and SET IBLOCK TO 63, respectively. The IBLOCKs are in 512 byte increments, so the MDX files have block sizes of 1560 and 32256 bytes, respectively. 2) USE either file in FoxPro. Result: "Index does not match table. Recreate index." Title With dBASE blocksize at 64bytes, FoxPro loses contents of first memo. Details USE MEMOTHRE.DBF, DBT. This file was created with the blocksize of 64 bytes. 2) In FoxPro, USE MEMOTHRE. 3) BROWSE, look in first memo field. Result: It's completely empty. It should have about 512 bytes of data (numbers and spaces, just like the next record.) This happens whether or not you say Yes to Remove Soft-Returns. Title LASTKEY() return is different from dBase when mouse is clicked Details Run the following code in FPD26: WAIT "" ? LASTKEY() In dBase IV, LASTKEY() will return -100 when the left mouse button is pressed. In FPD26 and FPW26, LASTKEY() will return 13 when the left mouse button is pressed. Title MDX is lost if table has memo field, and was created odd blocksize. Details In dBASE, the SET BLOCKSIZE command also affects the blocksize of the index files. FoxPro only allows block sizes of 512 bytes in an index file. Fox converts the memo file to an FPT, and then tries to open the MDX file. But the MDX is a non-standard blocksize, so Fox returns the error "Index does not match table. Recreate index." Unfortunately, it is now too late to recreate the index, because we converted the memo file. The file is now unreadable by dBASE. It is also unreadable by FoxPro until you remove the MDX file. Title GENSCRN needs reference to #ELIF Details in GenScrn.prg, in the procedure WriteCode starting on line 2939 and WriteLine starting on line 3016: * Don't output a generator directive, but #DEFINES are OK IF LEFT(m.upline,5) = "#DEFI" ; OR LEFT(m.upline,3) = "#IF" ; OR LEFT(m.upline,5) = "#ELSE" ; OR LEFT(m.upline,6) = "#ENDIF" ; OR LEFT(m.upline,8) = "#INCLUDE" \<<m.line>> ENDIF It should also be checking for and allowing "#ELIF". Title SET SYSMENU clears pushed menus, in program. Details SET SYSMENU TO DEFAULT clears any menu previously saved with PUSH MENU <>, but *ONLY* when executed programmatically. Title DDEPOKE in FoxPro is limiting the String length. Details Error is generated when a >1mb string is sent through DDEPOKE in FoxPro for Windows. To reproduce the error: 1. Create a memo that is greater then 1mb in size. 2. create this program: m.mmemo=left(mmemo,1265000) run /n c:\winword\winword.exe c:\winword\letters.doc =DDESETOPTION('SAFETY',.F.) mchannel=DDEinitiate("WinWord","c:\winword\letters.doc") =DDEPOKE(mchannel,"test",m.mmemo) =DDETERMINATE(mchannel) 3. run the program. The error : Application error FoxProw cause a Paging error in Module DDEML.DLL at.... Title REPLACE FROM ARRAY accepts LIKE/EXCEPT clause Details The REPLACE FROM ARRAY command will accept the new FIELDS LIKE or FIELDS EXCEPT clauses. In the help file, this is not documented. Most other commands which accept the new LIKE/EXCEPT clauses were updated in the documentation. This command should also be updated to indicate that it accepts these new clauses. Title REGIONAL Variables are Improperly Declared in 2.6 GENSCRN Created C Details In the generated screen code produced with 2.6 GENSCRN, look at the #REGION 0 variable declarations at the top of the code. They read as follows: #REGION 0 REGIONAL m.currarea, m.talkstat, m.compstat These variables should include m.rborder The lack of inclusion causes screens that have a PRIVATE ALL declaration in them to error out with 'variable not found' at the end of the screen code where it does a SET READBORDER &rborder. Title FoxProW loses memory and reports Printer not ready after repetetive Details After repeatedly executing the report form command, FoxPro for Windows loses enough memory so that it generates a Printer not ready error. The user is unable to Print from FoxPro for Windows or any other application in the Windows environment after receiving this error. The only known solution to this problem is to quit Foxpro, all other applications, and windows. The problem even if FoxPro for Windows is the only running application aside from the program manager. Title "Invalid Library" when refreshing an application with Rebuild All Details When you attempt to refresh an application with the Rebuild All option in the Build dialog of the Project Manager, the "Invalid Library" error will occur if there is an API library included in the project that does not belong to the current platform. Steps To Reproduce 1. Load FoxPro for Windows. 2. Create a project called TEST. 3. Add a new program called MAIN and type the following command: #IF "WINDOWS" $ UPPER(VERSION(1)) SET LIBRARY TO foxtools.fll #ELSE SET LIBRARY TO pdrivers.plb #ENDIF 4. Add the API library FOXTOOLS.FLL as a Library type. This file will automatically be marked as External. 5. Save the project and exit FoxPro for Windows. 6. Load FoxPro for MS-DOS. 7. Open the TEST project. 8. Choose the Build option in the open project and select Rebuild All. the error "Invalid Library" will occur. FoxPro for MS-DOS does not recognize FoxPro for Windows API libraries. Title CTOD() and VAL() Functions Are Not Saved in Query Details A query produced by the Relational Query By Example (RQBE) window that contained the VAL() or CTOD() functions when last saved is missing those functions the next time it is opened. Title Switching between multiple windows causes error Details When 3 browse windows are placed on the screen, and 2 of the 3 tables are related, and 2 other windows (memo editing, and file editing) are also on the screen, a system crash occurs if the user tries to switch between the windows. In FPW, a ICE will occur. The ICE is followed by a GP Fault. In FPD, the screen will display extraordinary array of colors and shapes and the machine will become unusable - a hard reboot is required to regain control. Title BROWSE FORMAT ignores GET/SAYs with COLOR clause Details If a FORMAT file contains GET/SAY commands and a COLOR clause is on every GET/SAY, FoxPro will crash after BROWSE FORMAT is executed. The problem seems to be that FoxPro completely ignores a GET/SAY containing COLOR when called from BROWSE FORMAT. When every field has COLOR, there are no fields to process so the product errors our. Title Project incorrectly detects Bitmap reference Details If the project manager sees a reference to the @...GET OPEN MESSAGE command, it thinks the reference is to a BITMAP file. It asks the user to locate the bitmap and uses the MESSAGE text as the bitmap filename. If the MESSAGE text is long, the product crashes. Title Message clause not converted properly Details If the MESSAGE clause in a dBASE FMT file contains a single quote or a semi-colon, the FMT converter improperly converts the message string. After being converted, the stringis either populated with double-quotes (in place of singles) or is truncated after the semi-colon. Title APPEND "NOMENU" is not ignored in FoxPro Details dBASE supports a NOMENU clause on APPEND. FoxPro does not. We support NOMENU on BROWSE, CHANGE and EDIT, but not APPEND. Title CLOSE PRINTER not supported in FoxPro Details If a dBASE program contains the line of code: CLOSE PRINTER, FoxPro reports an error. Title COPY TO Incorrectly Copies ALL Fields Into New Table Details Issue the following FoxPro commands: '1. select cno,city from customer into cursor temp 2. copy to temp1 3. use temp1 4. browse In all other versions of FoxPro, only CNO,and CITY will be in the new table: TEMP1. However, in FoxPro for Windows, ALL of the fields from the original database (CUSTOMER) are copied into the new table (TEMP1); not just the ones which were in the cursor (CNO and CITY). Title Memory configs cause problems in FoxPro browse - API related Details Certain memory configurations cause the 32 bit version of FoxPro for DOS to crash when closing a browse window. The problem only happens on the DOS product with varied CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT conbinations and after the API is used. The problem is typically found after opening a browse window from within Catalog Manager and then closing it. Title Other Workarea Selected by WHEN Clause of Unselected Field in BROWSE on Details If a field is included in a BROWSE FIELDS list from an open but unselected workarea, and a WHEN clause is associated with that field, the workarea of that field is actually selected during execution of the WHEN. Title DK Install - FOXT.EXE linked to wrong option Title INSERT command overwrites data in FPW26 when codepage=auto Details When CODEPAGE = AUTO in CONFIG.FPW and a DBF is marked (by CPZERO.PRG) with any codepage number, EXCEPT for codepages #1252 and #0, and then an INSERT BEFORE is performed on the DBF, the current record is overwritten with the data from the INSERT BEFORE. If you LIST the table you can see that the INSERT BEFORE added a record it just failed to push the records from the current position down so that the new information would go into a clean record at the current record position. Title Clearing of Debug Window w/ open memo field Details 1) Create a table with a memo field 2) Open the memo field 3) Open the debug window , and put some variables in it. 4) Type CTRL+END ....FPW will GPF right here. GPF numbers...FIGI31AF:6D07 Title Potential problem with MS Office DLLs and FoxPro 2.6's DLLs Details FoxPro 2.6 doesn't work with the new OLE Dlls from MSOffice. Title BIN files limited to 32K in FPW - DOC's & Help state limit is 64K Details FoxPro for Windows will not load more than 32768 bytes as a BIN file, although the documentation says that 64K is the *limit. The FPW 2.6 Help File Topic LOAD states: "A maximum of sixteen 64K files can be loaded into memory at one time." Title Report Writer has problems under stress conditions in 2.6 Windows Title 16 bit DOS gives Insufficient memory with RQBE in 2.6 Title Browse Format system errors Details 1. USE clients.dbf 2. Create format file with one @ GET or @ SAY command in it, where the command has an error in it; save file with an .fmt extension. For example, @ 1, 1 GET contact+company or @ 1, 1, SAY company+contact. 3. SET FORMAT TO <filename>.fmt 4. BROWSE FORMAT4. Application quits to DOS prompt with an application error stating division by zero and stack overflow. Title INVALID PATH ON PRE-VIEWING SQL Query Wizard after using Expressions in Details i) Start FoxPro 2.6a ii) Through "Run" menu, run "Wizards" iii) Select Query->SQL Query Wizard. iv) Select tables from step 1of 6 of SQL Query Wizards v) In step 2, select field and add an expression say STR(Fldname) and follow through rest of the steps of Wizard. vi) In step 5 of 6, click on "Preview" push button. It gives an error message: "Invalid Path" and on cancelling the program, it does not clear the screen. Title Client Server Wizard looks for FPSQL.Fll in Windows. 2.6a Details i) Create a Query using Client Server Wizard. ii) On the last screen of this wizard, select "Save Query for Later Use" iii) You enter the name for saving your Query. Brings up the dialog box with "Where is FPSQL.FLL?" Title New build (6/14/94) of Win FoxPro 2.6a is dead slow Details Start FoxPro.It takes ages to bring up the splash screen. Selecting any other option will take more time and so testing on this product becomes hard. Title Foxhelp.hlp Typo: SET CONFIRMMPATIBLE Details HELP SET COMP at command window Select SET COMPATIBLEThe GO TO box says "SET CONFIRMMPATIBLE" Title genscrn.prg redimensions the G_WNAMES array exponentially Details * Store the substitution string for window names DIMENSION g_wnames[C_MAXSCREENS, C_MAXPLATFORMS] g_wnames = "" Then later on in the code... IF MOD(m.g_nscreens,5)=0 DIMENSION g_screens[ALEN(g_screens,1)+5,7] DIMENSION g_wnames [ALEN(g_wnames)+5,C_MAXPLATFORMS] && Notice the alen(G_WNAMES) DIMENSION g_platforms [ALEN(g_platforms)+5] && Instead of alen(G_WNAMES,1) DIMENSION g_firstproc [ALEN(g_firstproc)+5] ENDIF G_WNAMES grows exponentially. Its number of elements is assigned to the amount of rows in the newly dimensioned G_WNAMES. The limit of 25 screens per screen set seems to be expandable to at least 40 if this "leak" is corrected Title ISBLANK Causes An Internal Consistency Error When Used As A Field In A Details 1. USE customer 2. Create new query 3. Select Fields Checkbox 4. Add ISBLANK(customer.cno) in the Function/Expression box 5. Press OK button 6. Select DO QUERY button Microsoft FoxPro Internal Consistency Error Title Invalid or missing EXE when using a CONFIG.FP along the path different Details An "Invalid or missing EXE" error messge is displayed when the following combination is used: 1. use the 16-bit product 2. Have a SET FOXPROCFG pointing to a CONFIG in one directory 3. call foxpro and pass an FXP as a parameter from the DOS prompt. Also call another config.fp SET FOXPROCFG = C:\DOS\CONFIG.FP FOXPRO -CC:\FPD26\CONFIG.FP TESTN/A Title QBE Migration program leaves file handles open if not a DBIV QBE Details The QBE Migration program is leaving files opened with Low Level I/O functions if the file it's attempting to convert doesn't appear to be a valid dBIV Query File. Title If path to wizard is longer than 38 chars, Wizards are not re-entrant. Details 1) Install FoxPro in C:\DIREC1\DIREC2\DIREC3\WIZARDS\WZ_QFORM.APP 2) In the catalog manager, create a new screen. Save it and return to the catalog manager. 3) Highlight that screen file, and press MODIFY. Result: The Catalog Manager calls the SCREEN BUILDER to modify the file. The parameter block for the SCX file contains the line: * WIZNAME = C:\xxxxxxxx\xxxxxxxx\WIZARDS\WZ_QFORM.APP If the part after the equals sign is more than 38 characters long, the Catalog Manager will call the screen builder to modify that file. If less than 38 characters, then the timestamp is checked properly. The wizards\ part is 21 characters, which leaves 17 for people to use as the first part of the path. The default installation of C:\FPW26\ is obviously fine. C:\DATABASE\FOXPROW\ will fail. Title Modifying a Wizard-Created Item Does Not Invoke the Wizard Details When modifying any Wizard-generated screen, report or label the item is opened in the screen builder, report writer or label writer, respectively, rather than in the Wizard which initially created the item, even if no modifications have been made to the item independently of the Wizard. Title Autoscreen of Wide table crashes GENSCRN Details 1) In the Catalog Manager, add a table that has ~ 140 or more fields. 2) Use that table, and press the autoscreen button. Result: Genscrn crashes in its CLEANUP routine, with the error Invalid File Descriptor. Fox highlights the line _TEXT=m.g_orghandle. GENSCRN is attempting to restore the SET FIELDS TO list, and gets a "Line Too Long" error. When it attempts to write this error message to its log file, it hits this File Descriptor error. Title Menu Pads enabled during CATMAN startup Details 1) Start FoxPro, make sure the "Welcome" splash screen comes up.. Notice how some menupads are enabled, and the menus under each enabled pad are functional, including CANCEL. Choosing cancel could produce undesirable results to the user. Title Menu's not updated properly in Cat Man Details 1) Start FoxPro , and make sure the "Welcome" splash screen is the first available screen. 2) Click on Cat Man. 3) In the open dialog box, click cancel. This should automatically take you back to the initial splash screen. 4) Click on the menubar. ...boom (DOS) DOS error as follows..."Error 31 (Invalid subscript reference) occurred in SPLASH. Catalog Manager Cancelled." [OK] Windows error... you receive a FoxPro error "Invalid subscript reference", but cat man does not crash. Menu commands are now functional. 5) Select "Open Catalog" from file menu.... ...boom (WINDOWS) "Error 1 (File 'WZATASKS.PRG' does not exist.) occurred in MENUPROC. Catalog Manager cancelled." [OK] The problem is caused because the menu bar is not returned to the FoxPro original menu bar in step 3 above, but instead the Cat Man menubar is present. Title WZ_BQUER.APP crashes Details Open Catalog Manager, go to Query page. Select New. Select Query Wizard Select Updatable Query, then Next. FoxPro Error: Line number 467 Program S_tables Error: Invalid Path or Filename The next screen comes up over the top of this error, but won't select a table. Have to ESC out of wizard. Recovers fine. Same thing occurs on a Modify, only it's immediate because it knows its an updatable query. Title Query wizard: Outer Join not staying checked Details In the Catalog Manager, on Query page, select New. Select Query Wizard Select Updatable Query, then Next. Add at least 2 relatable tables. Check the Outer Join check box. Select Next, then Back. RESULT: The Outer Join check box is unchecked. Title Cat Man settings window is not Modal Details 1) Open Cat Man 2) Choose Settings.... from the Tools menu -Notice how the settings window is not modal, whereas all other dialogs in cat man are modal. Also, because it is not modal, the menu bar is accessible which can cause unwanted behaviors. Title Query Wizard in 2.6a gives Invalid path after preview and clicking Details Query Wizard gives following message on previewing an SQL query and clicking <Back> push button on step 6 of 6. "Invalid path or filename Line #36 WIZSCRNS Do &wz_scrnscm.wziscount,)" Steps: ---------- i) Through Run menu, start Wizards and select SQL Query. ii) Follow the steps till you reach the last screen of wizard and then click on "Preview" push button ii) close the browse screen and you are back on last screen of wizard. iii)Now, click on <Back> push button and you will receive the message written above. iv) On cancelling it, the last screen of Wizard is not cleared and remains visible. Title Previous screen not rehighlighted in Catman on screen close Details One of these is for Windows, the other for the Mac. Mac now remembers selected item in FoxUser, and upon reentry, tries to reselect the item. Title Name problem when modifying SQL Wizard query Title Catman end up in a loop if Imported file already exist Title SQL Wizard - problem with single quote Title Not able to save SQL Query from Wizard. Title Screen Wizard gives error while Printing a record. Title Screen Wizard in Dos (32 Bit) gives FoxPro Error. Title Screen Wizard giving Error on 16 bit Dos FoxPro 2.6a Title Group Total Wizard giving Error in 16 bit Dos FoxPro 2.6a Title Basic Report Writer Wizard gives error. Title SQL Query Wizard on Modifying, brings up "RQBE" Query. in Dos. Details With new wizard.plb, this is fixed Title Client Server Wizard does not work in DOS Details With latest build, it gives following error in DOS: Insufficient memory. Line #: 536 Program: TRYFPSQL1 Source: SET... Title Invalid Path for Client Server Wizard on Save and Run a Query Title Modify a Query thru Client Server Wizard asks for FPSQL.FLL Details This happens as soon as you hit "Modify" and is not on "Creating a New Query". Title Adding an expression in SQL Query Wizard, will not let you complete Title Modifying Updatable Query gives wrong error message. Title Page Preview in Label Wizard with spaces used is garbled up in 2.6a Details This is a cross-platform issue with the character that is being used as "Space". Title Updatable Query Wizard does not let user update the query if saved Title CANCEL ON EXPRESSION BUILDER CANCELS THE WIZARD. Title Cat Man Splash screen not working in Windows Title All Wizards require "Set Talk Off" Title Save and Print option does not show up Print Previews under Dos(16 Bit) Details In 2.6, this is the case i.e. Cat Man Print Manager is not brought forward in 16 bit product. Title Label Wizard in Dos gives error Title Invoffic.QBE to FPQ displays no data Details In this case, the filter expression includes a square bracket, which is filtering out all records, and not giving any kind of error. As below: SET FILTER TO ((Customer.state = ['CA'])) Title Updatable Query is trying to establish a connection to SQL Server Details When you try to save the Query, it brings up the dialog box with the default query name to save as "QUERY.FPQ" where as it should have displayed "QUERY.QPR" Title Save screen for later use runs the screen anyway Title After saving the screen, it asks for which catalog file to open Title Save Report for later use brings up the Cat Man Print dialog Title On cancelling Cat Man Print Manager again brings up this dialog. Title Modifying screen with Design tool runs the screen (brings up the screen Title Not able to access CS Wizard. Title CATMAN: Tabbing while adding/modifying indexes in a table. Details This occurs in BOTH the [Add...] and [Edit...] dialogs. The disabling of the OK button occurs in both WIN/DOS, but the crash does not occur in WIN. Everything works fine in MAC. Title Group Total Wizard does not give Page Preview in Windows 2.6a