Last changed: 07/14/2018 18:30:07
AutoCAD 12/13 DOS & AutoCAD 12 Win:
bftms138.exe (1,3 MB) BigFocus driver v13.8 (DOS) / 13.0 (Win) for ACAD 12/13 DOS and ACAD 12 for Windows for SPEA FGA (no GX) and HiLite (+Pro) Series. Rel. 0795.6. SFX file.
AutoCAD 13 Win:
bfwin22.exe (576 kB) AutoCAD 13 Win: BigFocus 13/WIN v2.2, rel.1295 for V7-STORM, V7-MERCURY Series (2 MB only), FIRE GL & Graphiti Series. Note info BFWIN22x.txt before downloading!
bfwin22d.txt (3 kB) GERMAN information file to BigFocus 13/Win v2.2 for ACAD 13 WIN. Please read this file BEFORE downloading!
bfwin22e.txt (3 kB) ENGLISH information file to BigFocus 13/Win v2.2 for ACAD 13 WIN. Please read this file BEFORE downloading!
Old drivers:
hil_acad.exe (285 kB) BigFocus driver v8.2.7 (rel.0293) for AutoCAD 11/12. Copy to \SPEA\GDC. SFX file: Enter "HIL_ACAD". Note README.NOW!
hi_bf823.exe (190 kB) BigFocus driver v8.2.3 (rel.1092.1) for AutoCAD 11. Copy to \SPEA\GDC. SFX file: Enter "HI_BF823". Note README!
speareal.exe (70 kB) Realmode Drivers for AutoCAD 10. No Hotline support.
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