Internet in-a-box
  Complete system as a Plug-and-Play device with preinstalled Internet-Manager. Integrated Pentium-PC, 2 network controllers, ISDN controller, modem-plug. System either as a desktop solution or as a Rack.   Home
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Internet in-a-box is stable and easy to use, as an already preconfigured complete system for the connection of complete networks to the Internet with multiple efficiencies. With this product you receive an innovative, capable, and cost-efficient solution.

You can save
  • the installation of an ISDN-card on each computer, or on a separate router
  • the purchase of an operating system, email-server, proxy, email-clients, filter software, backup system, etc.
  • the installation of the software on each computer
  • the configuration and updates of each component

Internet in-a-box

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