Internet in-a-box
  Complete system as a Plug-and-Play device with preinstalled Internet-Manager. Integrated Pentium-PC, 2 network controllers, ISDN controller, modem-plug. System either as a desktop solution or as a Rack.   Home
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The complete system is a Plug and Play solution. The Internet-Manager is preinstalled and directly ready to use. The Internet in-a-box is available as a desktop solution or in a 19"-Rack.

Technical Information
  • Casing: Chassis and Lid made out of Aluminium, additional fan inside
  • Dimensions: H x W x D in millimetres = 44,5 x 440 x 260
  • System: Micro-ATX, Motherboard, Intel Celeron processor, 128 MB SDRAM
  • Interfaces: 2x serial, 1x parallel, 2x LAN 10/100 Mbit, 1x ISDN, 2x USB, 2x PS/2
  • Hard drive: 2,5" Hard drive - Fujitsu 10 GB
  • Power - Supply: 150 W ATX - mains adaptor
  • Readout: LCD Display 4 x 24 signs, 4 LEDs

Hardware Features
This console is equipped with a display, which continuously shows status messages. That means, that the condition of the system is permanent apparent. A special sensing device makes it possible to control the shut down and switching off process. This device makes unwanted switching of, caused by system failures, impossible.

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