  This software makes out of a Computer a server, which can connect 200 other computers and get them online, fast, easy and secure. All functions are in the Web-browser.   Home
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Comparison of Costs

Which components of conventional software products are replaced by the Internet-Manager?

Windows Platform
  • Windows NT or 2000 Server
  • Exchange Server
  • MS Proxy
  • Filter software, i.e. Cyberpatrol
  • MS Outlook Professional
  • Remote control, i.e. PC Anywhere
  • Backup software
  • Data base, MS SQL or other similar
  • Firewall, i.e. Borderware
  • Needed client licences
When additional software is used, i.e. filters, backup..., the purchase of the network version and the appropriate client licences is needed. None of the above is needed with our system. The costs will, depending on the number of connected users, vary but they will be pretty high, needed schoolings and administration not included.

Linux Platform
You need a capable PC. With a Linux distribution you usually get all server components inclusive but those are needed to be configured and need permanently maintenance. Modules like filters and statistic programs are not free available. The build up Linux system enforces a system administrator also is a complete handling with your browser not provided. You have to calculate all the cost for schoolings for your administrators and workers, because all the programs provided are not really interlocked, which causes a need of good knowledge.

Taking fears away
"With our products, we are taking away the fear of complex technology and not foreseeable costs. We are protecting the company against abuse of the Internet by employees and other people."
- Ramona Wonneberger
   Nutzwerk, Management Board of the Association of IT- and Multi Media Industry

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