Language: English.
Issues: Ten issues appeared between July 1996 and January 1997.
Publisher: Mr. Mister, Dante, Sledge and others.
Interface: Up to some graphics at the beginning and end, the whole magazine runs in the text mode. This is however very eye friendly owing to soft scrolling and fading.
Contents: The alternative magazine reminds on RCN, released at the same time. But topics like warez, games, BBS and IRC are just the basis for a magazine focused on fun around computers and networks.
Language: English.
Issues: Number 1 of the strange e-mag El Afghano appeared in January, issue 5 in February 2001.
Publisher: Mohammed Napoleon, Arturo Ui, Afghanbashi and others.
Interface: El Afghano consists of single but very well formatted text files. Issues 3 and 4 also can be displayed using a simple, strange colored interface.
Contents: Most of the texts are realy satiric. Some of the news, charts, interviews and scene reports can only understand by the people they are written for.
[ diskmags/afghano ]
Language: English.
Issues: In December 1998 there was a small preview before the first issue appeared in June 1999. Number two appeared in December 1999.
Publisher: Dj Regal, Misha and others.
Interface: A graphically perfect surface with effective operation and some effects.
Contents: The Polish and international scene with competitions, party reports and results, diskmags, jokes and much more besides.
[ diskmags/amber | ]
Language: English.
Issues: The first issue appeared in March 1999.
Publisher: Paranoid
Interface: The graphic interface of the magazine operates only with Windows 95 or NT. It's simple but useful.
Contents: Scene, fun and much more besides.
Hints: If problems appear the amnesia.exe from the archive can be used alternatively.
[ diskmags/amnesia |
diskmags/amnesia/setup.exe | ]
Language: English.
Issues: Three issues appeared between January and March 1997.
Publisher: Korn, Feral
Interface: Beautiful but extremely time-consuming pictures. Otherwise text mode with marvellous soft scrolling and hip music.
Contents: Reports and tests about the Internet, ftp and mailboxes, humor, interviews.
[ diskmags/anemia ]
Language: English.
Issues: The first issue was published in April 1998. The following issues appeared every two or three months.
Publisher: Armageddon
Interface: The first 18 issues are shown in simple but colored text mode. Since issue 19 Chris Dragan's windows interface is used (also used in Hugi). It supports graphics, multiple columns and links to the Internet.
Contents: A-S covers all underground topics that general public see as largely "anti social": system security, phreaking, demo coding, rave music, hacking, games/music piracy, news from all arenas of the underground, pirate radio and lots more.
Hints: The .EXE files used to view the magazine are separated. In the first 18 issues you have to use A-s.exe and Register.exe. Since issue 19 Asview?.exe shows the texts.
[ diskmags/antisoci | ]
Language: German.
Issues: Unfortunately I could find only two issues of 1995.
Publisher: Dennis Klinkott, Jörg Rosenthal
Interface: Older issues operate only in text mode. A tidy surface with mouse operation, cross references and graphics were later created.
Contents: Computer, hard and software, reports, humor and many other topics.
[ diskmags/apuc ]
Language: English and Russian.
Issues: The two issues on these CD appeared in October 1997 and July 1998.
Publisher: For the first three issues WarHawk was responsible. Programmer took over this position in the fourth.
Interface: The (worth seeing) interface offers music, fast graphics and nice effects.
Contents: News from the computer scene, interviews, programming courses, films, software tests and pictures.
[ diskmags/armor ]
Language: English and German.
Issues: In June 1996 a preview version appeared and in August a single issue.
Publisher: The group N-Factor under the direction of Diskhawk.
Interface: Very high quality graphics with links, intuitive operation and good music.
Contents: Demo scene, music, politics, reports, charts, news, 8Bit Scene.
[ diskmags/autark ]
Language: English and Polish.
Issues: The all first number zero finally appeared in May 1994, the fourth issue in April 1996.
Publisher: Akira (formerly known as Gandalf), with issue four the group Pulse.
Interface: The graphically complex interface operates surprisingly with only 16 colours, offers however gentle scrolling, several music tracks and additionally some pictures.
Contents: Computer and scene, extensive charts, demos, interviews, parties and results.
Hints: You have to use Ctpbpat on faster computers.
[ diskmags/badnews ]
Language: German.
Issues: The first issue appeared obvious in April 1999.
Publisher: Muffin, Schnurfel
Interface: Batsch is conceived as a pure html magazine and can be read with any browser.
Contents: Reports to the Internet and other topics, html, programming, stories, interviews and votes.
[ diskmags/batsch |
diskmags/batsch/batsch.htm ]
Language: English.
Issues: Between July 1998 and March 1999 three issues appeared.
Publisher: The group Black Maiden with Shine and Kyp.
Interface: Beam started as a pure ansi magazine in text mode. For the second issue a remarkable mixture of ansi and graphics was developed. Unfortunately the third and last issue was only a simple text file.
Contents: Computer art, ansi and pixel graphics, reviews, charts and tips to surfing to the Internet.
[ diskmags/beam | ]
Language: English.
Issues: The issues on these CD appeared between May 1995 and October 1996.
Publisher: Mindcrime, Shivan Bastard and others.
Interface: Beyond is a typical ansi magazine in text mode with expensive and worth of seeing pictures.
Contents: Test reports to Internet pages and mailboxes, lyrics, interviews and naturally a quantity of Ansi graphics.
Language: German.
Issues: Between January 1993 and autumn 1997 twelve regular and two special issues appeared.
Publisher: Midnight, Trader, Velcro, Surfin' Bird
Interface: Introduced with complex intros BlackMail operates at first with only 16 colours. Starting from issue 10 there is a new interface with 256 colours and more graphic effects. The texts are however generally displayed in the text mode.
Contents: Talk and gossip, policy, humor and small ads.
[ diskmags/blckmail | ]
Language: English.
Issues: The first issue appeared in March, the third and last in October 1996.
Publisher: Burps, Trasher, Azrael and many others.
Interface: As with most Ansi magazines Blister operates in the text mode which was strongly revalued by artful graphics. Unfortunately this magazine does not offer any music.
Contents: News from the scene, interviews, tips for the Internet and naturally ansi graphics.
[ diskmags/blister ]
Language: Polish and English.
Issues: In February 1997 the first issue appeared soon followed of the second.
Publisher: Cortez, Astra, Brach and many others.
Interface: The unusual and very high quality interface rolls the menu and the texts gently from side to side.
Contents: An enormous amount of texts awaits the Polish reader: Graphics, charts, programming, scene, reports, music, poetry, jokes and many other topics.
[ diskmags/budyn | ]
Language: Spanish.
Issues: Between June 1999 and May 2000 three issues appeared.
Publisher: The group Centosis with Wavemaker, Geiger, Derethor, Humphrey and others.
Interface: The graphical interface keeped the same over all issues. But it was extended and improved continuous. There are colored text, pictures and gentle scrolling.
Contents: Charts, news, demo reviews, party reports and results, coding and many articles with opinions and impressions from the scene.
[ diskmags/ceibe | ]
Language: English.
Issues: Between February 1996 and February 1997 the issues appeared monthly.
Publisher: PoZoR, TcM, Rtf, Multiplex, Loop and many others.
Interface: The 16 color menu runs in DOS but it looks like Windows 95. Naturally this includes a Start button which exits the magazine. In further issues the design changed more to Windows. Unfortunately the speed goes down.
Contents: Stories, poetry, scene, parties and many other computer topics.
[ diskmags/cheese | ]
Language: English.
Issues: The magazin was founded in December 1996 as a pure newsletter for the Israeli BBS of the same name. The last issue 34 appeared in October 1998 because there where to less support.
Publisher: Civax, Turk182, Ice
Interface: The newsletter includes two small programs which shows the texts structured and comfortable.
Contents: The scene in Israel, music, demos, parties and mailboxes.
Language: German.
Issues: Since autumn 1997 the newsletter appeared monthly. After a larger break in July and December 1999 two new issues was published.
Publisher: BJ, ASP, Cardiac
Interface: The magazine consists of simple text files which are revalued partly with html structures. The newest issues are presented as pure html magazines.
Contents: Computer, demo scene, Internet, news, courses, interviews, books and jokes.
Language: English.
Issues: The first issue appeared in December 1994 and the third exactly one year later.
Publisher: The group Purple with Log Head, Viper and others.
Interface: Although the first issue operates only with 16 colours the graphic interface is always worth seeing and easy to use.
Contents: Charts, interviews, news, reviews, programming, raytracing, many other scene-referenced topics and some pictures.
Language: German.
Issues: After the editorships of Hot-Mag and MicroCode had united four issues of Cream appeared between May 1996 and April 1998.
Publisher: Coctail, Eric der Schreckliche, D.T.C, Hawke, Kemil
Interface: Highly detailed svga graphics with professionally arranged, multi color texts and gentle fading. The player can play CD's apart from the integrated music also. In some issues a Tic-Tac-Toe game is hidden.
Contents: Scene, parties, news, politics, lyrics, short stories, humor and much more besides. The first issues contain also an extensive part on programming from assembler to java.
[ diskmags/cream | ]
Language: English.
Issues: Between October 1994 and September 1995 eight issues appeared.
Publisher: The first five issues were published by Lash and Mr. Hockey, the last two by Dominei and Calvin.
Interface: The magazine is monotonously coloured but very easy to use.
Contents: Scene, news, reviews, interviews, poetry and charts.
[ diskmags/daskmig ]
Language: English.
Issues: The first issue was never released. The last issue with the number nine appeared in July 1996.
Publisher: IPggi, Captain Power, NetRunner, Entropy and many others.
Interface: Defacto is not a typical ansi magazine although it operates in the text mode. Very special is the small C64 emulator with which each issue begins.
Contents: Interviews, hardware, news, tests and reports on games, Internet tips, reports on warez and similar things.
[ diskmags/defacto ]
Language: Finnish and English.
Issues: Issue 1 appeared in September 1997, the second seven month later.
Publisher: The French group K!Prod leaded by ArraKiS.
Interface: Defcon is remarkable for its graphics. Every column looks completely different. The pictures was created by many different partly well known graphicans.
Contents: Coding and technics, interviews, party reports, stories, fun and impressions not only from the scene.
Hints: Issue 2 can be readed under Windows using Wefcon#2.
[ diskmags/defcon | ]
Language: English.
Issues: Since August 1998 new issues appeared every week. In July 2000 number 99 was the last issue.
Publisher: Psychic Symphony
Interface: Simple, single but well formatted text files.
Contents: Very current news from the scene, dates, interviews, reports and advertisements for Internet pages.
[ diskmags/demojour | ]
Language: English.
Issues: The over 150 issues on these CD appeared between September 1992 and February 1998.
Publisher: The group Hornet under the direction of Snowman.
Interface: It exists two programs for Dos and Windows which can display the newsletter with a controlled menu. If ya have a GUS you can also hear fine music.
Contents: Everything about demos: test, reports, reviews, parties and much more besides.
Language: German.
Issues: The first issue appeared in March 1996, third and last in November 1996.
Publisher: The group Kryst with Myrlochar and Activater.
Interface: There were several different surfaces. From a simple, 16 color menu up to an unfortunately lacking interface at SuperVGA.
Contents: Test reports about games and software, listings, courses, book reviews, tips and cheats.
Language: English.
Issues: In March 1996 the first issue appeared, the number 6 in February 1997.
Publisher: Grind King and Erratic.
Interface: The magazine operates completely in the text mode. Gentle scrolling makes a pleasant reading but there is unfortunately no music.
Contents: Ansi Reviews and charts, humor and satire, but also serious programming.
[ diskmags/doodle ]
Language: Polish and English.
Issues: From April 1997 until September 1999 five issues appeared.
Publisher: For the issues up to number 4 Aborygen was responsible. Starting from fifth Szum continued.
Interface: All issues are of the fantasy style arranged which is a main topic of the magazine. The fifth issue offers good music and the rare possibility to select between four graphic resolutions.
Contents: Everything related to the Polish scene, graphics, programming, hard and software, games, short stories and lyrics.
[ diskmags/dragon | ]