DiskMags from E to N


Language: English.

Issues: Between April 1996 and January 1997 three issues appeared.

Publisher: The group Explizit with Phonc, Ch:ilm and others.

Interface: The graphical interface is very simple. You will miss pictures and colored text.

Contents: Beside many interviews there are news, reports and texts to music and other topics.

[ diskmags/explore ]

Fistful of Steel

Language: English.

Issues: The issues on these CD appeared between May 1997 and December 1998.

Publisher: Inazone, Count Zero and many others.

Interface: The first issue had no interface. It consisted only of several ansi and text files. Later it gets music and a slightly better graphical interface.

Contents: Ansi and ascii art, interviews, reviews and more.

[ diskmags/fistful ]


Language: English and German.

Issues: At the beginning of 1996 three issues of the german BBS Flash had appeared. The series was continued in May 1996 with the magazine Flash. From this only one issue appeared.

Publisher: Cosmic

Interface: The BBS Flash was a good looking newsletter. Only the successor Flash gets a fast graphical interface.

Contents: News, computer scene, parties, interviews, poetry, programming, music and graphics.

[ diskmags/flash ]


Language: English.

Issues: The first issue appeared in March 1998, third in May 1999. In November 2000 Fleur was resolved and integrated in Shine.

Publisher: The first two issues developed under the direction of Ezah. For the third D-Lee was responsible.

Interface: The graphic interface is practically, well readable and contains some nice pictures.

Contents: News, interviews and reviews from the scene, demos, parties, charts, photos and pictures.

[ diskmags/fleur ]


Language: Hungarian.

Issues: Ten issues appeared from April 1992 until April 1998.

Publisher: The group AstroideA with Tsc and many others.

Interface: The initial black/white interface developed to a scene magazine with really good design.

Contents: Parties, interviews and everything approximately around the Scene, in addition programming, hardware and motion picture films.

[ diskmags/freestyl ]

Ganja Digest

Language: English.

Issues: The more than 60 issues on these CD appeared between August 1994 and February 1997.

Publisher: Evilive and many, many others.

Interface: The practical but graphically primitive surface was only improved with issue 225. The articles are shown also further in the pure text mode.

Contents: Apart from general news and information each issue contains only an single but long article. Often it takes into its concern different drugs, questions about law and similar things.

[ diskmags/ganja ]

Genetic Dreams

Language: English.

Issues: From September 1994 until December 1995 four issues appeared.

Publisher: The group Escape with Pussyrider, Capella and others.

Interface: There were three different surfaces of which the first with a resolution of 800 x 600 is very interesting. Additionally to each issue a special word processor was attached.

Contents: Demo scene, computer, games, politics, mailswapping and more.

[ diskmags/genetic ]


Language: Hungarian.

Issues: From April 1995 until April 1996 four issues appeared.

Publisher: The group Unicorn with Brekk, Derceto and many others.

Interface: The graphic interface of the magazine is unique. Many well integrated graphics and fast effects makes the reading of the text very special.

Contents: Scene, hardware, programming, humor, culture, games and many pictures and photos.

[ diskmags/guide ]


Language: English.

Issues: By May 1998 to June 1999 altogether twelve thirteen appeared.

Publisher: Filth

Interface: Gutter is a superior ansi magazine with gentle scrolling and marvellous, fully integrated graphics. But unfortunately without music.

Contents: Everything about ansi, with Charts, reviews and many more. Additionally there are texts about music, diskmags, IRC and Internet.

[ diskmags/gutter ]


Language: Russian.

Issues: The issues on these CD appeared between May 1996 and February 1999.

Publisher: Royal Ghost and the group Deep Trouble Entertainment.

Interface: The graphically complex interface is equipped with raytraced and meaningfully arranged elements.

Contents: The Russian scene, computer, culture and much more besides.

[ diskmags/hacker ]


Language: English.

Issues: The first issue appeared in December 1998.

Publisher: Pyromaniac, Jamon, Sky and others.

Interface: The most remarkable and the most graphically perfect with beautiful music under-painted interface and the impressive cross fades.

Contents: Beside news, advertisement and short messages heroin offers above all extensive and representative charts.

[ diskmags/heroin | www.heroin.net ]


Language: English.

Issues: The first issue appeared in August 1992 and was followed regularly by four further issues. The sixth issue came two years after number five.

Publisher: The group Epical with Kapsu, Mikki and others.

Interface: Early issues operate with a low res but useful interface. Only the sixth issue obtained substantially better and readable graphics.

Contents: Different topics from the Finnish scene, extensive charts and interviews.

[ diskmags/hoax ]


Language: German.

Issues: Between February 1994 and December 1995 six issues appeared. After uniting with MicroCode they continued to work together on Cream.

Publisher: Hawke, Coctail

Interface: A well programmed menu with multicolored graphics and three different text viewers which are well readable only towards the end. The last issue contains additionally a hidden game.

Contents: Much satire and politics. An issue deals intensively with the military service. In addition computers, jokes and many different topics which can be taken not seriously are treated.

[ diskmags/hotmag | wwwstud.uni-leipzig.de/~wir91dsh/obn ]


Language: English, German and Russian.

Issues: Since May 1996 the Hugi appears regularly. The first four issues under the name Hugendubelexpress (in short HDE). Since issue 18 the German part of the magazine will released as Hugi.GER. Additionally the weekly Hugi Newsletter appeared between July 1998 and 2000.

Publisher: Adok

Interface: Many different interfaces from simple QBasic to the current fast and graphically very responding text viewer with pictures and links to the Internet. Some issues are also available as a HTML edition.

Contents: The Hugi grows up from the style of a school newspaper to one of the most successful scene magazines. He treats parties, demos, diskmags, programming, magazine fragments, reports, politics and literature.

[ diskmags/hugi | diskmags/hugi/huginews | www.hugi.de ]


Language: Hungarian.

Issues: By February 1996 until February 1997 six issues appeared.

Publisher: Hugo, Gym, HTGe and others.

Interface: The well readable texts are surrounded by an interesting framework which contains different animated control panels and switches.

Contents: The main topic of the magazine are games. Apart from tests, cheats and tips there are also texts to films, fantasy and humor.

[ diskmags/hydropho ]


Language: German.

Issues: Between June 1998 and October 1999 five issues appeared in large but regular periods.

Publisher: mesios and moses.

Interface: Several different interfaces from simple 16 color graphics over NeoBook up to one with colored texts and good music.

Contents: News, reports, storys, small advertisements, lyrics, programming, Internet, book recommendations and much more besides.

[ diskmags/image | www.image-zine.de ]


Language: English.

Issues: Between February 1992 and July 1996 twelve issues appeared.

Publisher: The name Imphobia defines also a group to which Darkness, The Wizard, Scorpio, Zorlock and many others belong.

Interface: The multicolored and well programmed graphics with 256 colours was replaced in issue six by a very professional interface with only 16 colours. This graphically operating at the same time with several palettes set new standards in the scene.

Contents: Beside music, graphic demos, test reports and interviews advertisements and tests for different mailboxes played a large role. The Charts was particularly extensive and almost competitionless.

[ diskmags/imphobia | www.infomaniak.ch/~imphobia ]


Language: English.

Issues: In April and August 1996 two issues appeared.

Publisher: Captain Hook, Spellcaster and others.

Interface: Only the very good content consoles the badly arranged and uncomfortable useability of the magazine.

Contents: Interview and texts from the scene, above all however guidances and courses to graphics and programming.

[ diskmags/infinity ]


Language: English.

Issues: In December 1995 the first issue appeared and exactly two years later the second.

Publisher: Quicksilver, The Russian, Vision and others.

Interface: The first issue comes with a normal and uncomfortable to use interface which changed in issue two to something better.

Contents: Interviews, scene, theoretical and practical programming, reviews, demos, parties and charts.

[ diskmags/insight ]


Language: Hungarian.

Issues: Between July 1995 and February 1998 altogether 18 issues of the Kendermag and two issues Stuart the Fish appeared (one of it at the Kendermag 11).

Publisher: The groups The Renegades and Digital Creatures.

Interface: The graphic interface of the magazine changed hardly with the time. It is simple and useful.

Contents: Humor, computer, games, the scene and some pictures.

[ diskmags/kender ]


Language: Hungarian.

Issues: In May and August 1997 two issues appeared.

Publisher: The group Trust with Kevin, Manic, Sharky and others.

Interface: A graphical, very beautifully structured and well readable interface. Only the timing is not always perfect.

Contents: Parties, criticisms, culture, humor and some pictures.

[ diskmags/madmag ]


Language: German.

Issues: The first issue from April 1998 was complemented by a second in June. Afterwards the magazine was resumed as Batsch.

Publisher: City Hunter, Muffin.

Interface: The only 4k with an assembler coded interface shows the text in a hard to read way.

Contents: Games, mangas, programming, stories and computers.

[ diskmags/mars ]


Language: Polish and English.

Issues: The issues on this CD appeared between August 1997 and June 1999.

Publisher: Garfield and Lexus looked after the first eight issues. Atom will resume the magazine in the future.

Interface: Almost all issues were available in two versions: With a graphic interface or as simple however well formatted text files.

Contents: Charts, news, messages, the Polish scene, parties and reports.

[ diskmags/measure ]


Language: German.

Issues: The magazine STOD was renamed with the third issue as Microcode and was very successful under this name. After the sixth issue had appeared in febuary 1996, it fused with Hot-Mag and together created the new magazine Cream.

Publisher: Kemil, Eric der Schreckliche.

Interface: Representation in quite simple VGA graphics. The last issue however was already rather good and fast.

Contents: Programming in Pascal, Basic and assembler, batch, games, stories, book conceptions and more.

[ diskmags/microcod ]

New World Order

Language: English.

Issues: From May 1993 to June 1996 eight issues appeared.

Publisher: The group Weird Magic with Mr. Logic, Tcm and others.

Interface: Although the interface of the magazine changed, it remained fast and easy to operate. Beautiful graphics and good music contribute to the experience.

Contents: Scene news, party reports, charts, stories and much more besides.

[ diskmags/newworld ]


Language: Hungarian.

Issues: Between May 1994 and January 1995 two issues appeared.

Publisher: Taz, Falcon, Chris and many others.

Interface: The main menu of this magazine is really remarkable, since it extends scrollably over four displays. The texts are shown in a relatively monotonous, coloured variable interface.

Contents: Scene, charts, films, humor, hard and software as well as pictures.

[ diskmags/news ]

Nuclear Waste

Language: English.

Issues: The first issue appeared in October 1995, the third in March 1996.

Publisher: Aurora, Raver and many others.

Interface: The mixture between ansi and graphics is interesting but not really beautiful.

Contents: News, mailboxes, hacks, music, techno, the Playstation and much more besides.

[ diskmags/nucwaste ]

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