DiskMags from O to S


Language: English.

Issues: From May 1996 to 1998 three issues appeared.

Publisher: Maeve Wolf, Squidgalator2, Annihilannic.

Interface: The Ansi magazine gets along without music. But it is however worth seeing owing to large and complex graphics.

Contents: Texts and reviews of Ansi's, interviews, games, scene and poetry.

[ diskmags/ooze ]


Language: English.

Issues: The magazine existed since January 1994. Since Pain appears irregulaly, there is no sequential numbering.

Publisher: The issues of the year 1994 were published by Uli and Chicken. 1995 it was Qube, Chicken and Snoop. For the numbers 3/96 to 2/98 Chicken and Furball were responsible. The remaining issues of 1998 were led by Fred. One year later it changed into the hands of Iquito and Cockroach. After a longer break 10/99 Fred and Unlock became the main editors.

Interface: The interface of the magazine remained unchanged for a long time: singularly however very practically. Only at the end of of 1998 a new interface with more colours and effects was programmed.

Contents: Everything related to the Swiss and international scene, reviews, interviews, charts, parties, reports and contacts.

Hints: Older issues need an UniVBE driver. With the parameters /C or /S you can set it up.

[ diskmags/pain | http://pain.scene.org ]


Language: English.

Issues: From July to November 1994 three issues appeared.

Publisher: The group Crypton with Lethal, Marlon, Control and others.

Interface: Although the graphical interface operates with only 16 colours and offers no extras, the program is well and logically operated.

Contents: News, interviews, reviews, charts, parties and other topics of the Finnish and international scene.

[ diskmags/parrot ]


Language: German.

Issues: The first issue appeared in May 1997. But after six issues the PC-Heimwerker had already been given up in June 1998.

Publisher: Verlag Thomas Eberle

Interface: The graphic menu program DOSTM displays the articles as a complex data base. Unfortunately this original interface is somewhat incorrect and not always executable. Many of the readers programmed tools which offer good alternatives.

Contents: The PC-Heimwerker was not a diskmag in the actual sense, since the texts were written exclusively by the readers. Besides offering and search ads one finds also news, assistance and information to hard and software, programming tips and much more besides.

Hints: The menu program DOSTM have to be installed on hard disc. After this, all files in the archive Ausgaben.zip have to be copied in the directory Dostm\Ausgaben.

[ diskmags/pch ]


Language: German.

Issues: There was only one issue which appeared in April 1995.

Publisher: Christian Hirsch.

Interface: The simple interface operates in the text mode and is operated by the character keys.

Contents: Pieces of news over hard and software, programming courses and classified advertisements.

[ diskmags/pcjournl ]


Language: German.

Issues: Released in October 1995. Only a single issue appeared.

Publisher: The Advanced PC User Club with Dennis Klinkott, Thomas Golz and Joerg Rosenthal.

Interface: A simple menu with Vesa graphics and a stable sound system.

Contents: Computer topics, satire, formula 1 and chess.

[ diskmags/pcvision ]


Language: German.

Issues: In March and June 1995 two issues appeared before the magazine was given up due to technical problems.

Publisher: Daniel Wohlhaupter under the nickname Mad Monkey.

Interface: Except for some screenshots everything is displayed in the text mode. It also has no music.

Contents: Test reports of shareware and games, stories and information.

[ diskmags/pcworld ]


Language: English and Polish.

Issues: The first issue appeared in April 2000, the third one year later at Mekka & Symposium 2001.

Publisher: Planet was founded by Coolphone. The second issue was edited by Neuroup and Frey from the polish group Addict. The third issue was created in cooperation with OJuice.net, the french sceners database.

Interface: The DOS and Windows interfaces are quite comfortable. They offers well readable, colored fonts and great music.

Contents: Planet is a charts magazin like Heroin or Totem. It contains charts about demos, intros, musicians and much more. Some crazy charts are included, too. For example, best sex position or best glue for stamps. Starting in issue 3 there is a huge news section based on OJuice.

[ diskmags/planet | http://addict.scene.pl ]


Language: German.

Issues: From March 1993 until November 1995 altogether 20 issues appeared.

Publisher: The group Solar Design with Fury (formerly The Lord of Doom) and Der #Papst.

Interface: At the beginning it was only an unclear text program. Later there was a graphically improved interface similar to Imphobia.

Contents: Information, discussion, tests, reports and shareware.

[ diskmags/platinum ]

Post Office 7

Language: Hungarian and English.

Issues: Between July 1992 and October 1993 four regular issues and an extra one appeared.

Publisher: The group Majic 12 with DrDevice, DrZothyo, Avantage and many others.

Interface: The interface of the magazine reminds one of an old keyboard. It is practical and very readable.

Contents: Reviews and parts from books, science fiction, films and some pictures.

[ diskmags/postoff7 ]


Language: German.

Issues: On this CD are three issues of the 1994 and 1995 bimonthly appearing magazine.

Publisher: Torsten Bembennek and others.

Interface: The interface of the magazine is arranged like a program menu, completely sufficient for the purpose.

Contents: Beside shareware tests, reports, tips and cheats you can find classified advertisements in the style of the Computer Flohmarkt.

[ diskmags/ppa ]

Programmers Diskmag

Language: German.

Issues: The first issue appeared in September 1994. After five issues altogether the magazine was given up in October 1995 due to lack of reader participation.

Publisher: Guru

Interface: A very simple but usefull mouse controlled text viewer.

Contents: Programming in Basic, C, Assembler, Pascal and Cobol.

Hints: Choose the System directory and run the Pdm.exe program.

[ diskmags/pdm ]


Language: English.

Issues: Between April and August 1993 four issues appeared.

Publisher: Moleql and many others.

Interface: Several different interfaces were used, which are always worth seeing owing to good graphic and music.

Contents: Charts, programming, fractals, assembler, parties and reports over the Finnish scene.

[ diskmags/pulse ]

Reality Check Network

Language: English.

Issues: The 38 issues appeared between November 1995 and July 1997.

Publisher: Hitex, Rebel Chicken and others.

Interface: There are some graphics and intros and the magazine operates in the text mode, which is really worth seeing owing to scrolling, music and nice effects.

Contents: RCN is a "warez e-mag". So there are interviews, reviews and stories about warez, BBS and FTP.

Hints: Since issue 25 you can use the switch /txtfile to create a plain text version of the magazine.

[ diskmags/reality ]


Language: English.

Issues: Issue 1 appeared in June 1997, the second 10 month later.

Publisher: Restless was founded by jmX from the US group Opiate. Issue 2 was managed by Goblin/Xtatic and Phoenix/Hornet.

Interface: Both issues contains unusual but well usable interfaces with noticeable title graphics and smoothed fonts.

Contents: All about the scene: News, results, invites, coding, graphics, interviews (for example with Darkness/Imphobia), charts and some more.

[ diskmags/restless | http://opiate.home.ml.org ]


Language: English.

Issues: The first issue appeared in December 1999.

Publisher: Rawhed from the South African group Sensory Overload.

Interface: The interface is arranged interesting. It based on HTML and offers some special effects beside different fonts, colours and graphics also.

Contents: Party reports and photos, interviews, scene, coding and poetry.

[ diskmags/rift | www.sademo.za.net/riftmag.html ]


Language: English and Hungarian.

Issues: Between September 1992 and December 1993 four issues appeared.

Publisher: Tixi, Bano and others.

Interface: The interface of the magazine appears boring. Nevertheless the colour can be modified.

Contents: The Hungarian scene, hard and software, science fiction and some pictures and graphics.

[ diskmags/runtime ]


Language: Hungarian, English and .

Issues: The first six issues appeared between July 1992 and May 1995. The next two followed years later.

Publisher: At first Basq and the Hungarian group Twin Sectors were responsible for the magazine. Later Dirk Gently took over the name for its new html magazine.

Interface: The simple almost ugly interface was used only in the first six issues. The others are conceived as a pure html magazine.

Contents: Charts, interviews, jokes, games, art and much more besides. The last two issues contain almost only reports and extracts from books.

Hints: The old issues can be terminated only with F10. It should also be copied on the hard disc.

[ diskmags/scanner ]

Scene Post

Language: English.

Issues: Between July and September 1994 four issues appeared.

Publisher: Gandalf

Interface: The Scene Post is a newsletter. With a partially graphical interface it is strongly improved.

Contents: Many pieces of news from the scene, about new parties, demos and diskmags.

[ diskmags/scene ]


Language: English.

Issues: Four issues appeared between September 1994 and July 1997. A number 3 was never released.

Publisher: Venior

Interface: A well programmed interface with very multicolored texts and sometimes disturbing intros.

Contents: As the name of the magazine suggests, it concerns particularly the scene. Demos, diskmags, programming and parties are treated, in addition stories, sport and fun.

[ diskmags/scenial | http://scenial.scene.org ]


Language: English and German.

Issues: There where two issues who appeared in January and April 1999.

Publisher: A-Duck, Dendroid and others.

Interface: It tried to copy the interface of Hugi but that was not very perfect.

Contents: In this magazine one does not find any serious article. Everything is pure satire.

[ diskmags/schwugi ]

Sex With Sheep

Language: English.

Issues: In January and March 1996 two issues appeared.

Publisher: Joe Camel and others.

Interface: A pure ansi magazine in text mode, unfortunately without music.

Contents: Ansi, poetry, music and much humor and satire.

[ diskmags/sexsheep ]


Language: English.

Issues: The first issue appeared in April 1997, the number seven in April 2000. The earlier published "Shine Retro" briefly contains a cut of the best texts of the first five issues. Issue eight developed in co-operation with the Hungarian magazine Fleur in November 2000.

Publisher: The Swedish group Replay with Baloo and Goofy.

Interface: The complex and confusing menu reminds one more of a graphic demo than a diskmag. The columns are arranged around rotary animations quite randomly. The texts are well readable owing to a large smoothed font.

Contents: News, charts and of course articles on the Polish scene and many other topics. A special feature are the messages, where everyone can send each other short messages.

Hints: Shine needs a graphics card with Vesa 2.0 or an UniVBE driver beside sufficient workspaces. If it is too slow the background animation can be switched off with the tab key.

[ diskmags/shine | http://shine.scene.org ]


Language: German.

Issues: By September 1993 until April 1997 twelve normal and an issue 9 1/2 appeared.

Publisher: Kai Buehler, Killer Taifun.

Interface: Practical structured menu, graphical and even multi color texts, but unfortunately no music.

Contents: Films, music, books, charts, computer, politics, jokes and laws.

[ diskmags/skyline ]


Language: Polish and English.

Issues: The first issue appeared in May 1995, the second three months later.

Publisher: The group Adrar Design with Astra, Skartaris and others.

Interface: The graphic interface is well readable, however the background is extremely dark.

Contents: Pieces of news and reports from the Polish scene and much more besides.

[ diskmags/smok ]

Source Code

Language: Hungarian.

Issues: The first four issues appeared between February 1995 and June 1996.

Publisher: TomCat and many others.

Interface: The interface of the magazine is not spectacular but practical and owing to soft scrolling very pleasant. It does not have music.

Contents: Everything about the programming of hardware, graphic cards, 3d and other effects, demos and so on.

[ diskmags/source ]


Language: English.

Issues: From October 1995 until August 1996 four issues appeared.

Publisher: TaskMaster and many others.

Interface: Like many other magazines, Splash also with only 16 colours shows an interface very worth seeing with fast scrolling and reasonable operation.

Contents: Above all charts, news, messages and photos.

[ diskmags/splash ]

Static Line

Language: English.

Issues: Since July 1998 Static Line appears monthly.

Publisher: Coplan, Subliminal, Dilvish and others.

Interface: As with most newsletters which are sent away by email, Static Line consists exclusively of text files.

Contents: Musik, scene, parties, new tracks and CD's, demos and similar things.

[ diskmags/statline | diskmags/statline/sl-039.txt | www.scenespot.org/staticline ]


Language: English.

Issues: Between April and December 1996 four issues appeared. In Mai 2000 a new number 6 was released.

Publisher: Anders, Pahladin and others.

Interface: The first two issues operate in the text mode, however already with good scrolling and linked texts. Later a interface which can be started with difficulty particularly on fast computers is introduced.

Contents: News, scene, party reports, literature, above all however internet, IRC and chat.

[ diskmags/subkult ]


Language: German.

Issues: It began in June 1994. Suicide was given up two years later after exactly 13 issues.

Publisher: Doc Emmett Brown, Randall Flag, MIKeROWAVE.

Interface: Excellent high resolution graphics in super vga, alternatively with music from CD.

Contents: Computer, hardware, software, news, contacts, classified advertisements and stories.

[ diskmags/suicide ]


Language: English.

Issues: A preview appeared in Dezember 1999. The complete Sunray was never released.

Publisher: Psychic Symphony

Interface: A high quality interface with many links, pictures, some music and high quality fonts.

Contents: Sunray is an annual diskmag which covers demo scene events and releases for the entire year.

[ diskmags/sunray | http://sunray.planet-d.net ]

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