Sie wollen Spaß? Dann geben Sie Gas! Holen Sie sich die aktuellen Demo- und Testversionen der coolsten PC-Spiele. Auf den Joystick! Fertig! Los! |
Hier finden Sie: Action - Adventure - Geschicklichkeit - Rollenspiel - Simulation - Sport - Strategie - Sonstiges - Kinderspiele |
Rollenspiele |
Titel | Voraussetzung/Anmerkung | Hersteller | Größe |
Akuma - Demon Spawn | Pentium 90, 32 MB RAM, Windows 95/98 (50/99) | JC Research | 30 MB |
Asheron's Call | Pentium 166, 32 MB RAM, Windows 95/98 (50/99) | Microsoft | 53 MB |
Broken Sword II | Pentium 90, 16 MB RAM, Windows 95, DirectX 5.0 (50/99) | Revolution | 12.2 MB |
Demise | Pentium 200, 32 MB RAM, Windows 95/98, DirectX 7.0 (50/99) | Artifact-Entertainment | 105,6 MB |
Dink Smallwood | Pentium 100, 16 MB RAM, Windows 95/98, DirectX 6.0 (50/99) VOLLVERSION! | Iridon-Interactive | 23,3 MB |
Final Fantasy VIII | Pentium 200, 32 MB RAM,Windows 95/98, DirectX 6.0 (50/99) | Squaresoft | 66,9 MB |
Last Express | Pentium 60, Windows 95, 8 MB RAM (50/99) | Red Orb | 41,7 MB |
Lords of Magic Special Edition | Pentium 100, 16 MB RAM, Windows 95 (50/99) | Sierra Online | 22 MB |
Magic: The Gathering | Intel 486/100, Windows 95, 16 MB RAM (50/99) | MicroProse | 13,7 MB |
Meridian 59 | Intel 486/66, Windows 95, 8 MB RAM, 26 MB Festplattenspeicher, 14.4er Modem (50/99) | Studio 3DO | 26 MB |
Odium | Pentium 200, 32 MB RAM, Windows 95/98, DirectX (50/99) | Monolith | 79 MB |
Quest for Glory V: Dragon Fire | Pentium 133, 16 MB RAM, Windows 95/98, DirectX 5.0 (50/99) | Sierra | 46,6 MB |
Rage of Mages | Pentium 133, 16 MB RAM, Windows 95 (50/99) | Monolith Productions | 32 MB |
Realmz 6.1 | Macintosh (50/99) | Fantasoft | 10,7 MB |
Revenant | Pentium 233, 32 MB RAM, Windows 95/98, DirectX (50/99) | EIDOS | 39 MB |
Septerra CoreP | Pentium 200, 32 MB RAM, Windows 95/98, DirectX (04/00) | Monolith | 87,6 MB |
Shattered Light | Pentium 166, 32 MB RAM, Windows 95/98, DirectX 6.1 (50/99) | CatWare | 29,1 MB |
Spellbinder: The Nexus Conflict | Pentium 200, 32 MB RAM, Windows 95/98, DirectX 6.0 (50/99) | Mythic Entertainment | 13,5 MB |
System Shock II | Pentium 200, 54 MB RAM, Windows 95/98, DirectX 6.1 (50/99) | Irrational Games | 37,3 MB |
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