
The system clock of a Linux server or a workstation, atomic clock exact, updated with an time server in the Internet. It is possible that all PC's in a network are synchronized with this time.

Partner Program
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Always the same time?

A correct time is absolutely necessary for the clock of a computer in a network. How else will you find out which is the latest version of a documet that you receive if there are several versions of the document? A lot of security protocols use to transfer the time in order to make sure that the package has not been cought or changed on its way.

Our program coordinates the internel clock of a LINUX server respectively a workstation with time servers in the internet. It's possible to coordinate the internal clock of all computers in a network with this time.

The installation is very easy and controlled by a menu without any problems. The program is under GLP licence and can be used free of charge.

You'll find further information about Timesynchro at www.timesynchro.com.

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