
The system clock of a Linux server or a workstation, atomic clock exact, updated with an time server in the Internet. It is possible that all PC's in a network are synchronized with this time.

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The program...

...runs on LINUX and was tested with SuSE 7.0 and 7.2. An important requirement of the program is the support of netdate and dialog.

  1. Download the archive timesynchro-1.0.tgz
  2. Enter tar -zxf timeserver.tgz in order to extract the archive
  3. The directory timeserver is created
  4. Move into this directory and enter ./install
  5. Required programs are detected automaticaly
  6. Requesting paths and file names, standard values are given
  7. Cpying files
The following files are copied:
  • Data base for time server
  • Data base for receiving information about the country/organisation from the top level domain
  • Configuration script
Both, setting the time and editing /etc/crontab require the special rights of the root. That's why you must have root rights for the installation, the configuration and calling the generated script.

After the installation the extracted files can be deleted because they are not neccessary any more.

The program is subject to the GPL licence and may be used or changed in other programs according to the GPL. The author reserves the right not to be responsible for the function of the program. Liability claims regarding damage caused by the use of the program, including following damages, will be rejected therefore.

You'll find further information about Timesynchro at www.timesynchro.com.

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