
The system clock of a Linux server or a workstation, atomic clock exact, updated with an time server in the Internet. It is possible that all PC's in a network are synchronized with this time.

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...see how to use timesynchro

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Displaying of the current time server settings Changing of the current settings Displaying informations about time servers that are included in the data basis of the program Testing a time server (for example tcp or udp)

Setting of a periodical coordination Creating an entry in /etc/crontab

The program creates an executable file which will carry out the time request and then set the times of the system and of the BIOS. Here it is required that the BIOS time is set to GMT.

These functions are only useful if there is either a permanent or a dial on demand connection to the time server. Alternatively the executable file can either be entered into ip-up or manually called.

You'll find further information about Timesynchro at www.timesynchro.com.

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