
The system clock of a Linux server or a workstation, atomic clock exact, updated with an time server in the Internet. It is possible that all PC's in a network are synchronized with this time.

Partner Program
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  • Installation of a computer for the coordination of the time with a time server in the internet by the netdate protokol User interface either menu controlled in the console or in the browser
  • The included data base for time servers can be enlarged
  • Display of information and test of the time servers
  • Automatical creation of the coordination script and of the entry in /etc/crontab for the controlled intervall
Instead of loading and installing the program the executable script it can also be created online. You will find the link to the online tool in the Download section. The program is freeware and is subject to the GPL-Licence. It may be used or changed in other programs according to the GPL. The author reserves the right not to be responsible for the function of the program. Liability claims regarding damage caused by the use of the program, including following damages, will therefore be rejected.

You'll find further information about Timesynchro at www.timesynchro.com.

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